Zoe Hayes working on pop art for the annual
YSHS Student Art Show,
art show on display
The annual YSHS Student Art Show will be on display from Saturday, May
3, to Saturday, May 31, at the Bryan Community Center gallery. An opening
reception will be held on Friday, May 9, 79 p.m.
The show, which is sponsored by the Yellow Springs Arts Council, includes
works by fine art students and photography, video and computer students.
This is the first year computer art will be displayed in the show.
The teachers involved with the organization of the show are Melina Elum,
Carla Steiger-Meister and James Ventling.
Arts Council scholarships will be awarded to seniors who complete an application
process, which includes an interview, writing an artists statement
and assembling a portfolio. The scholarship will be awarded in the schools
scholarship award program on Wednesday, May 21.