event this weekend
This weekend, members of the Village Environmental Commission will organize
a community-wide recycling event, giving local residents a chance to give
away some older items that may be lying around the house or garage.
The event now called the Roadside Rummage Weekend
starts Friday, May 9, at noon, and concludes Sunday, May 11, at 5 p.m.
During the weekend local residents can place on their curbs items in good
or working condition for others to take free. We hope everybody
puts their good junk out on the curb and we hope it disappears,
said Debra Karns, a member of the Environmental Commission.
Anything that is not picked up must be removed from the curb and not left
out for next weeks regular garbage pickup. Because the recycling
weekend is not sanctioned by the Village, Rumpke, the local trash hauler,
will not pick up extra items next week.
Environmental Commission members have asked local residents to follow
closely the rules of the weekend and not leave additional garbage out
for Rumpke.
On Sunday evening, commission members plan to go out and ask villagers
who still have stuff on their curbs to remove the items.
The commission decided to hold the recycling weekend after Village Council
earlier this year suspended the annual spring cleanup and brush pickup.
Council suspended the two events because the Village solid waste fund
does not generate enough money to support itself. Postponing the activities
could save the Village an estimated $30,000 this year.
The Roadside Rummage Weekend is not intended to replace spring
cleanup, commission members have said.