Rumpke waste collector Kenny Vaughn on his route Tuesday
the trash with a smile
Once a week local
villagers stash their trash into cans and lug those cans out to the curb
where, the next morning, they find the cans empty again. It’s like
But it’s not
magic, of course. Or if it is, the magic belongs to Kenny Vaughn, the
Rumpke waste collector who has been hauling away trash in Yellow Springs
for the past seven years.
On a misty morning
this week, Vaughn could be spotted on Allen Street, leaping out of his
truck and jogging up to a can, which he picked up and dumped in the back
of the truck. Sometimes the task wasn’t too hard — aside from
lifting 30- to 40-pound cans — if the trash had been packed in neat
bags. But sometimes the job looked decidedly messy, and at least once
it involved stooping over to retrieve soiled diapers. Always, the trash
smelled like, well, trash.
Vaughn is forgiving
to his Yellow Springs garbage-making clientele, and he cheerfully picked
up an extra bag or two that lay beside two cans already stuffed full.
He said that he doesn’t mind hauling away extra bags as long as
people don’t make it a habit. And when a car pulled up and the driver
inquired if Vaughn would haul away her old mattress, he nodded yes.
Several passersby
waved and called out to Vaughn, who waved back. And at least one stopped
to offer words of admiration. “I give him all the credit in the
world,” Yellow Springs Police Sergeant Dennis Nipper said, pulling
up in his cruiser. “He’s the hardest worker in town.”
Indeed, Vaughn certainly
looked to be working hard, leaping out of the truck, hauling and dumping
cans, then bounding back to start over again. A former high school football
player and wrestler, Vaughn used to lift weights to keep in shape, but
now he only needs to lift trash cans all day to keep his biceps firm.
Keeping physically
fit is one of the rewards of his job, said Vaughn, who’s 39, and
he pushes himself to jog rather than walk to the cans and back. He often
encounters joggers on his morning rounds, and in his mind he tries to
keep up with them, but, he said, “they always get away from me.”
Vaughn likes to sing
along to an oldies station as he drives, and sometimes he moves fast so
he can get back into the truck before the song’s over.
Vaughn also takes
pride in his work. “I keep the town clean,” he said. “If
not for me, there would be trash everywhere.”
Especially rewarding,
said Vaughn, who lives in west Dayton, is how appreciated he feels in
Yellow Springs. “People are waving all the time. It’s like
they be knowing me their whole life,” he said.
They express their
appreciation in other ways as well. On hot summer days he sometimes finds
cold cans of pop next to the trash, and at Christmastime some villagers
leave gifts, and he often gets Christmas cards. He said that he especially
likes the cards for their messages of thanks, which he reads to his mother.
Of course, being
a trash man has its downside, and to Vaughn that means getting splashed
by sour milk or other liquid when it’s loose in the trash. He also
has to be careful about the motor oil and antifreeze that people sometimes
dump, since antifreeze, if it gets in his eyes, is quite painful. And
while he’s never been seriously hurt, he’s come close to getting
cut by broken glass in the trash, and he appreciates it when people who
throw away glass alert him.
And while he’s
out in all kinds of weather, Vaughn said that rainy weather’s the
worst, because his rain suit is hot and slows him down, and he often spends
the day with wet feet and hands.
But overall, he doesn’t
have too many complaints. “I stay pretty happy out here,”
he said. “It’s like I’m being my own boss.”
Vaughn does all of
Rumpke’s garbage collection in Yellow Springs, and he’s here
several mornings a week, starting some days at 6. When he’s not
working, he might be helping care for his four children, who
are 16, 11, 3 and
2. Other than that, he said, “I shower, eat and sleep.”
Although he told
his boss he’ll quit by the time he’s 40 — one more year
— Vaughn hasn’t ruled out spending up to five more years on
the job.
“This can put
wear and tear on your body,” he said, although, he added, some of
his colleagues, in their 50s, are still in good shape.
Kenny Vaughn will
likely be one of them, if he keeps jogging and lifting and cheerfully
hauling away Yellow Springs trash.