Chris Mucher
seeks another term as Miami Township trustee
Backed by the campaign
slogan “experienced proven leadership,” village resident Chris
Mucher is running for re-election to the Miami Township Board of Trustees.
The News talked to Mucher last Friday at the township office, where he
was checking messages before opening his Movieworks/Photoworks store on
Xenia Avenue.
Mucher has been a
trustee for the past seven years, serving as the board’s president
for the last three. Raised in Hudson, Ohio, he has lived and worked in
Yellow Springs for the past 23 years. He and his wife, Cindy (Struewing),
owned and operated the Tastee Freeze for five years before 1985, when
Mucher opened his current photo finishing and movie rental business downtown.
Though he wanted
to find a way to give back to the community early on, Mucher said he had
to wait until his three children were a little older before being selected
from a pool of 13 applicants to finish a year of Dale Reed’s term
as township trustee in 1996. Mucher was then elected to finish out that
term in 1997 and re-elected for his first full four-year term as trustee
in 1999.
Mucher said he has
learned from experience that the job of trustee has to be a process of
active involvement in order to get projects done and issues resolved.
With nearly every proposal he has made, he feels he has encouraged input,
supervised the work and seen the project to completion.
That said, one of
the things Mucher likes about his role as trustee is working on long-term
projects and having a chance to adjust to the circumstances and to residents’
needs along the way, he said. As a trustee, he is able to take a deliberate
approach to local issues and take the time to include all different points
of view to develop the policy that is best for the community.
A good example, he
said, is the township’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which Mucher
proposed two years ago. After Whitehall Farm was sold and Mucher participated
in revising the Greene County land use plan, he realized Miami Township
could also benefit from a plan on the future direction of local land use,
he said.
Though not many townships
have land use plans, the trustees decided to use the township’s
volunteer zoning commission to draft a plan instead of outsourcing the
job. The process has taken longer and demanded more oversight, Mucher
said, but he believes having local stewards at the helm will ensure that
zoning changes reflect the needs of local residents.
The Cooperative Economic
Development Agreement and the farmland preservation fund are two other
ongoing projects that Mucher proposed and continues to shape with input
from trustees and other interested parties.
Mucher has also seen
the importance of inviting public input early on in the process of establishing
policies and regulations, he said. Holding a public hearing for each draft
of a proposal and allowing for public comment on revisions can help avoid
the situation created by the Springfield- Beckley Airport Zoning Commission
when members proposed new zoning regulations that local residents had
not been involved in creating.
Trustees have generally
received a limited response to surveys, Mucher said, and public hearings
seem to be the best way of soliciting public opinion.
Since coming on the
board, Mucher said he has been very sensitive to his position as a village
resident and has tried to bring more township voices to the trustees’
attention. He has personally recruited several township residents to the
township zoning commission and also recruited two farming residents from
the township to join the board of trustees, including current trustee
Lamar Spracklen.
During his time on
the board, Mucher said the trustees have been proactive in their support
of Miami Township Fire-Rescue, fulfilling 38 out of 38 projects requested
from the fire department. According to www.chrismucher.com, the trustees
have approved the purchase of three fire-rescue vehicles, proposed funds
for a firehouse building upgrade and for volunteer recruitment and retention,
and approved purchase of equipment such as a new thermal imaging camera,
the Jaws of Life extraction tools and several medical devices.
Mucher said he is
always available to discuss issues that arise, and he “stays in
the loop” by talking to fire chief Colin Altman on a regular basis
outside of township meetings.
Mucher is interested
in maintaining a balance between agricultural activity and economic development
in the township. He feels that keeping commercial development centered
around the municipality reduces the pressure of commercial development
on farmland and supports the agricultural acitivity in the township.
“If land owners
are of a mind to cash their land in to benefit from its increased value,
they can do that,” he said. “But if they could be encouraged
to allow the Tecumseh Land Trust to help purchase an easement on their
property, the surrounding areas would maintain their value for agricultural
use as opposed to development use.”
The balance between
farmland and economic development will be achieved by promoting business
growth in strategic locations in the township, he believes.
“The most impactful
issue in the future is without a doubt the opportunity we have with the
CEDA to share and work toward establishing commercial enterprise in the
areas designated to benefit from that,” he said.
As the Township works
with the Village to provide incentives and tax abatements to potential
developers, Mucher said the trustees need to be mindful that they are
negotiating not only for the township but for the school board as well.
Though the trustees are authorized to forgive up to 75 percent of a developer’s
property taxes, the schools lose potential income when too much is relinquished,
he said.
“There are
other creative ways to make incentives, such as an economic development
loan guarantee,” he said. “I would also hope that an incentives
package is fairly shared by the interested parties.”
Aside from the long-term
issue of the CEDA, Mucher said, the most immediate township needs are
to follow through with helping the fire department acquire its new thermal
imaging camera, establish specifications for the new tanker the department
will buy in 2005 and continue working toward a facilities upgrade by matching
general funds with fire department money.
“I have thoroughly
enjoyed the seven years I’ve been on the board, and I look forward
to continuing the projects I’ve started and those important to the
community,” Mucher said. “I feel I have an excellent record
of service and the proven ability to accomplish the goals I’ve set
for the township.”