go to district championship
The YSHS boys soccer
team beat two teams last week to advance to the Division III district
championships for the second year in a row. The Bulldogs streaked past
Franklin-Monroe with a 6–1 win last Thursday, Oct. 16. Then on Monday,
Oct. 20, the team whipped Greenon 4–2.
The ’Dogs face
Springfield Catholic Central at the YSHS field at 7 p.m. tonight, Thursday,
Oct. 23. Last year the two teams faced off at Springfield’s home
field for the district title, and the Bulldogs fell 4–1.
Fast feet and chivalry
ruled Thursday’s home game under a cold drizzle, when the Bulldogs
dominated from start to finish. Scott Keyes scored the first goal 20 minutes
into the game with a long boot from mid-field. The ’Dogs hovered
hungrily around Franklin’s goal for the rest of the night, putting
in two more goals from Rory Hotaling and Duncan Silvert-Noftle before
the half.
Not five minutes
back on the field, Michael Hosket and Keyes scored back-to-back goals,
with assists from Silvert-Noftle and Hosket. Kevin Carr had the last goal
on a pass from Silvert-Noftle. Bulldog keeper Matt Phillips had a lonely
game, and with ten minutes left on the clock, a changing of the guard
sent John Pamplin into goal, just as two of Franklin’s players were
traded out for ones fresh from the bench.
The Bulldogs had
little trouble keeping Greenon down on Monday. Silvert-Noftle scored the
first two goals, one on a direct free kick and the other on a penalty
kick, after Keyes, then Noah Woodburn, were tripped on their way to the
Greenon goal. Silver-Noftle scored once more to put YS up 3–0 before
the half.
Twenty minutes into
the second half, Silvert-Noftle headed in a loose ball for the team’s
fourth goal of the night. Several players were traded in toward the end
of the game, and Greenon slipped two goals past the YS defense before
the game was over.
games are always good games because the teams are coming out knowing it
could be their last game,” Phillips said after Thursday’s
game. “We’re hoping to get to state finals, and anything is
possible with this team if we play well.”
Soccer girls learn more than just the game
Lady Bulldogs soccer team showed spirit in its last tournament game
against Lemon-Monroe on Thursday, Oct. 16. Gathered on the field
after the game are, left to right, front row: Stephanie Goode, Emily
Dozeman, Paia LaPalombara, Laura Garcia, Allix North. Leaning over:
Emily Foubert, Megan Burrick, Rose Blakelock. Back row, standing:
Teressa Carver-Halley, Kara Deardorf, Tina Chen, Eve GunderKline,
Lila Jensen, India Scarver, Olivia Smith, Lydia Gerthoffer, Monica
Erickson, Erin Silvert-Noftle. |
Whether it’s
the difference between men and women or it’s just a Yellow Springs
thing, relationships on the Yellow Springs High School girls soccer team
are taken very personally. At times, emotions ran so high that it may
have cost the Lady Bulldogs a game or two during their season.
Looking back over
their season, which ended last week at 8–8–2, three of the
team’s leaders, junior striker Emily Foubert, junior goalie Lila
Jensen, and freshman striker Erin Silvert-Noftle, reflected on the obstacles
the 19 players and their coaches hurdled in order become a better unit,
and a winning team.
The YS girls soccer
players came into their 2003 season bearing on their shoulders the burden
of last year’s losing record. As a relatively inexperienced team
with two freshman starters and some players who had barely kicked a soccer
ball before, no one knew what to expect or how to work together.
And then they won
the first two games of the season against Shawnee and Urbana.
“Right off
the bat, after those two wins, I realized how good we could be,”
Foubert said. “I realized we were out here not only to have fun
but to win sometimes, too.”
But the fact that
winning was a novelty still meant that the girls would have to overcome
an inferiority complex, if not the one created from within, then the one
placed upon them by others.
“Yellow Springs
doesn’t usually say we expect the girls soccer team to win,”
Silvert-Noftle said of the team’s previous reputation.
In order to turn
themselves around, they would also have to learn how to communicate. Unlike
some experienced teams or perhaps the YSHS boys soccer team, many of these
girls do not respond positively to harsh criticism, they said.
so small that the people on the team are your best friends or at least
your close friends, and if I yell at someone for not marking, the next
day at school they might be mad about it,” Jensen said.
Though the criticism
was never meant to cut anyone down, the girls said, some of the players
experienced the “friendly advice” as a barking order and a
personal affront. The girls had a hard time leaving their frustrations
on the field, and it had a direct effect on their game. After their initial
wins, the Lady ’Dogs had a rough first half of the season, and they
dove into a mid-season slump with more losses than wins by the end of
Around that time,
coaches MacKenzie Reynolds and Sarah Wallis called a meeting. Some players
expressed anger at being admonished and others explained that they had
no idea they were criticizing. They pulled through it, the girls said,
and got back on the field trusting one another.
They started winning
more, and feeling better, even when they lost.
“The game against
Troy Christian where we tied against a powerhouse in the conference was
a big motivation for us,” Foubert said.
Not wanting to polarize
themselves against the boys team, the threesome acknowledged that girls
sports, or at least their team, has an emotional side that needs to be
addressed in order to function effectively as a unit.
“We have a
more emotional side, but that’s not bad, and it makes us closer,”
Jensen said. “I could never picture the guys saying, ‘I feel
like you weren’t supporting me . . .’ ”
The experience doesn’t
necessarily mean that when girls are aggressive on the field they are
being masculine, or that girls are more emotional than guys, Silvert-Noftle
said, trailing off in search of the right words. “We just have a
different way of showing it,” Foubert said, jumping in to finish
the thought.
“Yeah, right,
not bad, just different,” they all agreed.
Though the girls
team still had its good and bad days in the latter half of the season,
what they learned about each other and themselves allowed them to feel
better about their performance as a unit. They were able to rise and fall
together, and they decided they liked the rising part the best.
In their last tournament
game against Lemon-Monroe last Thursday, the girls said everyone came
ready to romp, and they came together as a team to play the best game
of the season.
“I remember
running in, we had lost, but everyone was cheering,” Foubert said.
“We were so happy because we came together and played the best we
The season was a
huge success for girls soccer at the high school, no matter the score.
And the team is poised for another round next year that is even better.
miss our seniors next year, but we still have really good players, and
the stuff we worked through this year will carry over next year,”
Silvert-Noftle said.
really looking forward to next year, I definitely think it could be a
good team,” Foubert said.
Lady Bulldogs end season with style
The YSHS girls soccer
team finished up its season last week, winning the first sectional tournament
game 8–0 on Monday, Oct. 13, against National Trail. The season
ended three days later when the girls went up against Lemon-Monroe and
lost 7–1. The team ended with a much improved record from last year,
winning as many as they lost and tying two at 8–8–2.
In the game against
National Trail, Emily Foubert and Megan Burrick each scored three goals,
with Burrick gathering two assists. Emily Dozeman also scored a goal for
the Lady Bulldogs to start the tournament off with a big win. The defense
was led by strong efforts from captain Rose Blakelock, Teressa Carver-Halley,
Jennifer Smith, India Scarver, Olivia Smith and Kara Deardorf.
The girls came out
on fire Thursday for a tough game against Lemon-Monroe, which beat 2nd-seed
Waynesville in the first round of the tournament. Yellow Springs got off
to a rough start, letting four goals slip by in the first half. But in
the last 17 minutes of the half, the girls pulled together a strong defense
that held back the speedy Lemon-Monroe offense.
Keeper Lila Jensen
played one of the best games of her career with 14 goalie saves and the
initiative to break up Monroe’s set plays numerous times. Blakelock
logged a goal save of her own, and the defense worked together to minimize
the number of shots on goal and clear the field for some great offensive
“This year’s
team showed tremendous promise for years to come,” head coach MacKenzie
Reynolds said. “The girls improved in every way imaginable, and
the Lady Bulldogs came together as a team and played great soccer.”
The team is graduating
five seniors, Lydia Gerthoffer, Nathania Dallas, Monica Erickson, Blakelock
and Carver-Halley, all of whom will be missed for their leadership and
good attitudes about the game, Reynolds said.
Volleyball girls finish the season
The YSHS volleyball
team traveled to Sidney last Tuesday, Oct. 14, to rally against Houston
in the Division IV sectional tournament. Yellow Springs fell short with
4–15, 8–15.
Yellow Springs finished
the season with a 10–7 record at third place in the Metro Buckeye
Team member Jenell
Martin was selected for MBC’s first team and team member Evin Wimberly
was selected for the conference’s second team. Martin was also awarded
for good sportsmanship. The two players will be honored at the MBC fall
banquet on Oct. 27.
YSHS harriers show well
The YSHS cross country
runners finished 8th out of 17 teams at the district finals at Springfield
North High School this past Saturday, Oct. 11. Yellow Springs finished
with 196 points, well ahead of local rivals Xenia Christian and Cedarville,
but behind Fort Loramie and Troy Christian, who tied for first with 54.
Carey Dixon placed
12th in the 3.1 mile race and was the only Bulldog to advance to the Southwestern
Ohio Regional finals for the second consecutive year. Dixon ran a hard
but conservative race, always among the lead pack of qualifiers, for a
final time of 17:29.
First-year harrier
Samuel Borchers nearly joined his teammate as a qualifier with a 15th
place finish in a time of 17:48. David Warren was injured but made an
effort and finished 35th in 18:56, a time well off his best.
Ninth-grader Matthew
Marretta placed 85th and Zach Reichert posted a lifetime best of 25:01
for 89th place.
In the girls race,
Tina Peters suffered an off race, placing 28th in 23:01. Behind her Hillary
Livingston and Romina Aguero had outstanding races. Livingston placed
60th in a near season best time of 26:04, and Aguero posted a lifetime
best of 30:33, placing 73rd overall.
Over 500 cross country
runners from 26 schools came out to the 18th annual John Bryan Invitational
last Tuesday, Oct. 14. The Bulldogs did not have enough runners to make
a team, but Dixon took second in the boys race in 17:50. Borchers finished
6th for the Yellow Springs thin clads in 18:19, Maretta finished 114th
and Reichert placed 155th.
On the distaff side,
Peters led for most of the first two miles on the strength of a 6:30 first
mile. She held strong until the end, and placed 5th in her fastest time
of the year, 22:02. Aguero placed 97th, and Rebecca Guest posted a lifetime
best of 32:49 in 100th place.
Youth basketball
open gym for grades 5–12
Youth open gym will
be held for basketball players in grades 5–12 from now through Nov.
10 at the Yellow Springs High School gym, Wednesdays and Thursdays at
7:30 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m.
Contact Brad Newsome
for more information at 767-7224.
Girls basketball clinic
A girls basketball
clinic will be held on Saturday, Oct. 25, from 2 to 4 p.m., at the Bryan
Community Center gym.
The clinic is for
girls in fourth, fifth and sixth grades and will consist of instruction,
drills and scrimmage.
Girls with experience
and girls who are just getting started are encouraged to attend. It is
also an opportunity to learn more about playing in the Kenton Trace Conference
5th/6th grade basketball league, which runs from mid-November through
Contact Rich Miller
at 767-2049 with questions.