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A camouflaged rain barrel on Cliff Street. (photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

A camouflaged rain barrel on Cliff Street. (photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

BLOG—Rain Barrels

The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases different rain barrels around the neighborhoods, in high hopes they would be filled with rain!


3 Responses to “BLOG—Rain Barrels”

  1. Lynn says:

    Our new rain barrel is a clear IBS tank. We have algae in it. Should we drain it?How to clean? We will only use to water plants.

  2. Amy Magnus says:

    I want one! Or two even. Some friends of ours keep a goldfish in theirs…to eat mosquito larva.

  3. Mark Heise says:

    You ought to check ours out. We hold more than 500 gallons in liquid totes under our deck that s fed by the overflow of the 55 gallon rain barrel on our deck.

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