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Articles About farmers' market

  • ‘Sister Trillium’ group to recycle art supplies

    Sister Trillium, a recently formed nonprofit started by local creators Zoe Bryant, Allison Paul and Marie Hertzler, seeks to extend the life of art supplies through collecting unused supplies and selling them at a discounted rate at the Yellow Springs Farmers’ Market.

  • Point and click

    Rising second grader Ellie Lake and her mother, Carla Leer-Lake, introduced themselves to new Mills Lawn Principal Michelle Person, who was at the local farmers market on Saturday, Aug. 22, for a “meet and greet” with students and families.

  • Fresh produce for all incomes

    A visit to the Saturday morning Yellow Springs Farmers Market is an act of community engagement as much as commerce.

  • Farmers Market not just for Saturdays

    Yellow Springs offers a second Farmers Market every Thursday at 2pm in the parking lot of Dollar General.

  • Church harbors a market in winter

    While church basements tend to be the place for after-service coffee hours and socials, the basement of the Yellow Springs United Methodist Church will soon veer off the traditional path and host vegetables. Beginning this Saturday, Jan. 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, the church will sponsor its first winter farmers market.

  • Farmers corner new market

    Can there ever be too much locally grown, fresh fruit and vegetables in one town? Vendors at a new Yellow Springs farmers’ market think not, and they aim to give shoppers more variety by opening in the Corner Cone parking lot on Saturdays, just down the street from the farmers’ market at Kings Yard. Both markets open on May 2 and will continue Saturday mornings from 7 to 11:30 a.m. through the summer.

  • New rules to help regulate farmer’s market

    In an effort to better organize and provide security for the Yellow Springs Farmer’s Market in Kings Yard, this year market organizers have for the first time created a set of guidelines for vendors. Among the new rules are that vendors must apply for and pay for a space, they must have liability insurance, and they are limited to selling items that were either grown or made in their home county.

  • Find farm fare and friends at market

    The lure of plump eggplant bulbs and summer squash peeking out from their crates and the sunburst of dahlias and daisies reaching out to be picked is enough to keep a shopper quite busy at the Yellow Springs Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning.

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