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Articles About Village Council

  • The value of a soccer field

    If, in the coming months, all the local stakeholders agree that the Morgan Fields are, in fact, the best site to build the future housing development, then where would all the soccer players go?

  • YS Development Corporation asks $40k of Village Council

    Yellow Springs Development Corporation is requesting $40,000 from the Village to hire a part-time director of the local quasi-governmental, community improvement corporation.

  • Springers 4 More Springers seeks zoning reform, more low-income housing

    Springers 4 More Springers is a citizens action group that seeks to work with local elected bodies and residents to reform the Village zoning code, support affordable housing initiatives such as Home, Inc’s 50-unit project and serve as an advocate for tenants.

  • Village Council continues low-income housing talks

    As previously reported in the News, YS Home, Inc. has been petitioning for municipal support for the organization’s pursuit of millions of dollars in housing tax credits that could help finance the creation of a 50-unit housing development that would target low-income families.

  • St. Mary Development Corp. exits low-income housing talks

    St. Mary Development Corporation has “decided to end discussions” regarding the pursuit of a tax credit application that could have financed a 50-unit, low-income housing development.

  • Elected bodies weigh low-income housing proposal on school land

    For the first time in public meetings, YS Home, Inc. unveiled a new, large-scale affordable housing proposal: the development of a 50-unit, low-income rental complex that may one day be sited on three acres of school district-owned land.

  • Village Council renews municipal Wi-Fi efforts

    Since the Village implemented a municipal broadband pilot program in early 2022, over 100 homes and businesses have opted into the network.

  • Village Council weighs future changes to zoning code

    At the most recent Village Council meeting, Monday, April 15, Council members wrestled with a familiar issue: Should the Village zoning code be modified to encourage more high-density and affordable developments? The answer from most Council members was “yes, but in due time.”

  • Village Council | March 4 Meeting

    In his Manager’s Report, Burns told Council that development of the future 90-home subdivision, Spring Meadows, is on schedule.

  • EXTENDED COVERAGE | March 14 homicide upheaves Yellow Springs

    Following a four-day manhunt, and amid an ongoing investigation by the Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation, or BCI, Jackson Isaiah Bleything, a Springfield resident and 2020 graduate of Yellow Springs High School, was taken into custody Sunday, March 17.

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