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Articles About Mills Lawn School

  • Yellow Springs schools— Plan addresses learning losses

    Concerned about the educational setbacks experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Department of Education has required all districts in the state to submit a document detailing how they plan to assess and then address potential learning losses or delays.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Schools

    Calendar year 2020 began and ended with Yellow Springs school district leaders discussing identified structural needs in the local school buildings and how to address them, but the majority of the year was occupied by the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Teachers urge online option

    As Yellow Springs school district leaders consider what educational approach to take when the 2020–21 academic year begins Aug. 27, the local teachers union says the risks of returning to the classroom amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic are too great, and is calling for “100% virtual” learning when school resumes.

  • New Mills Lawn principal named

    Yellow Springs Schools has tapped an elementary school principal with Cleveland public schools as the new principal at Mills Lawn Elementary.

  • Whirlwind of a weekend

    Billed as the “all-schools musical,” “Scrooge!” lived up to its descriptor, featuring students — and teachers — from the entire Yellow Springs school district. It was one of numerous events that played to full audiences the weekend of Dec. 13–15. Pictured above are Julia Hoff as Mrs. Carstairs and Joseph Minde-Berman as Fezziwig. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    The weekend of Dec. 13–15 was particularly laden with events.

  • Traffic trial survey results— Most respondents oppose street changes

    The majority of respondents to a Village survey on its temporary traffic project do not support making the changes permanent. At the same time, more survey respondents felt the one-way design on South Walnut Street made school drop-off safer for children at Mills Lawn Schools than didn’t. Those were some of the highlights of a Village survey on its three-week traffic trial, which involved several changes to downtown streets and parking areas.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— School district welcomes two new teachers

    Alison Hawker will be teaching physical education at the elementary school and Hannah Weinstein will be teaching U.S. history half time at the high school.

  • Grade point

    Rising second grader Adalyn Bowman was excited to find her name on the Mills Lawn Elementary School class list. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    Mills Lawn Elementary School class list was posted Friday, Aug. 16.

  • YS school calendar full as academic year winds down

    The 2018–19 school year is coming quickly to a close, and milestone activities commemorating the final days fill the calendar for the rest of the month until the last day of classes Friday, May 31.

  • School Board—Superintendent search begins

    At its regular meeting Thursday, March 14, the board welcomed two representatives of a Columbus-based firm that will assist throughout the process of getting a new superintendent hired before the end of the school year.

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