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Articles About PBL Exhibition Night

  • Little big ideas: Mills Lawn School PBL Exhibition Night

    Preschooler Bella Dishmon, daughter of Intervention Specialist Olivia Dishmon, shows her bottle of bubbles while superhero friends Lisbeth Swanson and Olive Dishmon share a “heart” moment. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Mills Lawn School hosted its annual fall Exhibition Night, where students show their progress on classroom Project-Based Learning units, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 4.

  • Projects learned: 2019 PBL Exhibition Night at YSHS/McKinney

    New at this year's PBL exhibit is music teacher Brian Mayer’s “Non-Traditional Instrumental Music Class” for 7th- and 8th-graders. The large drumming circle used buckets as well as traditional percussion instruments. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School students presented their work to the public at the fall PBL Exhibition Night Monday, Nov. 25.

  • YS school calendar full as academic year winds down

    The 2018–19 school year is coming quickly to a close, and milestone activities commemorating the final days fill the calendar for the rest of the month until the last day of classes Friday, May 31.

  • Heroic collaboration

    Seventh-grader Olive Cooper elaborates on her superhero character, a project that required pulling together history, art, narrative and a bit of theatrical flair. It was just one of the many projects on display at McKinney Middle School and YSHS Project-Based Learning Exhibition Night on Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Many projects were on display at McKinney Middle School and YSHS Project-Based Learning Exhibition Night on Wednesday, May 16.

  • ‘Black Panther’ inspires PBL at McKinney

    A Black Panther-themed Project-Based Learning unit took McKinney Middle School seventh-graders on a journey through African geography, history and culture; the American civil rights movement; and comic book history with the end result of creating their own African superhero or heroine. Those individual characters were then fully rendered by art students at the Columbus College of Art & Design. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Joining a pantheon of costumed comic book predecessors fighting injustice and oppression around them, some new superheroines and heroes are the original creations of McKinney Middle School seventh-graders.

  • Projecting their knowledge

    Sumaya Chappelle presents a PBL project on garbage to teachers, parents and peers. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Students of McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School held their annual Fall Exposition Night Monday evening, Nov. 19, showcasing end results or intermediate stages of many PBL projects.

  • Community-building is an action verb …

    A community-building potluck, hosted by an alliance of student clubs, will follow the fall 2017 Exhibition Night at Yellow Springs High/McKinney Middle School on Monday, Nov. 20.

  • Exhibiting ingenuity

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13. To wit, the egg drop seemed to be one domino short of success. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13.

  • Academic project sharing closes out the Yellow Springs school year

    The Yellow Springs school district invited the community to two project-based sharing nights at the schools this week.

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