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Principal Tim Krier and Marian Krier played a game of mini golf built by Jack Hatert's seventh grade students with a different biome theme for each green.

Principal Tim Krier and Marian Krier played a game of mini golf built by Jack Hatert's seventh grade students with a different biome theme for each green.

Academic project sharing closes out the Yellow Springs school year

Yellow Springs High School, McKinney Middle School and Mills Lawn Elementary invited parents and community members to each of their campuses this week to explore some of the results of the year’s focus on project-based learning. Dozens of projects from every grade were on display in the halls and on the grounds of McKinney/YSHS on Tuesday, May 19, and at Mills Lawn on Thursday, May 21.

High school seniors gave six-minute pecha-kucha power point presentations about their senior projects, including a school assembly about sexual consent, a bicycle academic lab project, and a classical music fundraiser. Band and orchestra students performed in a pan pipe orchestra with instruments they had made from raw bamboo and yarn. McKinney language arts students displayed narrative poems about resilient people they know or admire. Mills Lawn fifth graders designed shoebox model rooms highlighting energy efficient elements they could employ. And the kindergarten students talked about their effort to clean up the school yard by tracking the trash they’ve found in the yard and making signs alerting visitors of the importance of using trashcans and covering the sandbox to prevent its use as kitty litter.

More photos from the events wlll appear in the May 28 issue of the Yellow Springs News.

The YSHS pan pipe orchestra performed at PBL night May 19.

The YSHS pan pipe orchestra performed at PBL night May 19.


Mills Lawn kids played in a gag pit on PBL night with physical education teacher Dan West.

Mills Lawn kids played in a gaga pit on PBL night with physical education teacher Dan West.


High school biology students fondled cat guts with gloves.

Camilla Dallas-Gonzales and Paloma Dallas outlined quadrilaterals in a third grade exhibition.

Camilla Dallas-Gonzales and Paloma Dallas outlined quadrilaterals in a third grade exhibition.


















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