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Articles About Village of Yellow Springs

  • Weather-related closures and reschedulings

    A partial list of canceled or rescheduled events for Tuesday, April 2.

  • 90-home subdivision underway in Yellow Springs

    Infrastructure construction is officially underway at 402 N. Wright St. — the site of a future 90-home subdivision in Yellow Springs.

  • Choreography in color

    In celebration of National Senior Health and Fitness Day, the YS Senior Center held its annual flash mob dance Wednesday, May 31, on Short Street.

  • Village seeks tenants for 201 Walnut Street

    An open house last week provided nearly two dozen inquiring villagers the opportunity to survey the 88-year-old building and ask Village Manager Josué Salmerón questions about his administration’s intent to lease the structure.

  • Village plans power outage at 5:30 a.m.

    "Peak shaving" means that if the village can "shave" energy from peak usage, the village electrical rates may go down next year. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Village of Yellow Springs is planning to shut down power to the entire village for approximately 10 minutes Wednesday, September 14, from 5:30 – 5:40 a.m.

  • Channel 5 public access — Building community through TV

    Above: Lacey Fox, Community Access Yellow Springs Channel 5 Station Manager, in her office at the Bryan Center. Fox invites the community to submit their videos to Channel 5. (Photo by Lauren "Chuck" Shows)

    Public access television channel Community Access Yellow Springs — Spectrum Channel 5 — content is curated for its local cable audience, but it’s also, as was the intention for public access when it was originally conceived, meant to be utilized as a tool for creation by anyone in the community.

  • Meet candidates for YSPD chief

    A public forum featuring the three candidates for the position of YSPD chief will be held Tuesday, March 1, in the Bryan Center gym, and will also be livestreamed.

  • Schools closed; winter storm warning for Greene County continues

    Severe winter weather has shut down schools and traffic. Low temperatures and wind chill make travel hazardous. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The NOAA’ s winter storm warning continues through Friday morning, Feb. 4. Yellow Springs schools will remain closed through Friday.

  • Lawson Place purchase eases tenant worries

    On Nov. 29, Council approved a down payment for the building of $160,000 and authorized the financing of the purchase for up to an additional $800,000. The closing date will likely be after the new year.

  • Village to buy Lawson Place apartments

    In their regular Nov. 15 meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council approved two measures allowing Village Manager Josué Salmerón to purchase an apartment building located at 10 Lawson Place.

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