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Articles About village council

  • Council holds 2023 budget work sessions

    Since late October, Village Council members Carmen Lee, Marianne MacQueen, Gavin DeVore Leonard, Kevin Stokes and Brian Housh have engaged in a series of work sessions centering on the 2023 Village budget. These discussions have involved staff, including Village Manager Josué Salmerón and Public Works Director Johnnie Burns.

  • Village Council discusses vendor fees

    At its most recent meeting on Monday, Nov. 21, Village Council members heard a first reading of an ordinance aimed at tracking and regulating door-to-door sales people and itinerant vendors who sell their wares in the village. If the legislation passes as read, vendors will be required to register monthly with the Village and pay a $25 fee each month.

  • Village Council Emergency Meeting

    Virtual Meeting • Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 1 p.m.

  • Council declares racism ‘public health crisis’

    At its June 15 regular meeting, Village Council declared racism a public health crisis and committed to taking “meaningful action” to respond to the “death, trauma and injury caused by institutional racism.”

  • Council urges masks in public; won’t enforce

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Regular Council Meeting — June 1, 2020

    The following items were discussed at Council’s June 1 regular meeting, held on the videoconference app Zoom.

  • Village Council— Village projects revenue loss

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The Village of Yellow Springs is planning for a possible loss of $320,000 in tax revenue due to the COVID-19 crisis and its related economic impacts.

  • Village Council declares state of emergency

    At its April 20 virtual meeting, Village Council unanimously passed a resolution declaring a state of emergency in Yellow Springs due to the coronavirus crisis.

  • Village Council meetings go virtual

    Three people were personally present in Council chambers on Monday, April 6, for Yellow Springs Village Council’s first full meeting since in-person gatherings were limited during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Council weighs jail response

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At its March 3 regular meeting, Village Council hashed out a letter to the Greene County Commissioners on their proposal to build a new county jail.

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