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Articles About Easter Egg Hunt

  • Taller by a hare

    The event was at Gaunt Park on Saturday, April 3, and included two egg hunts, for younger and older children, Peter Cottontail, treat bags for adults, live music and more.

  • Hop on down the bunny trail

    This weekend features one new and one long-held dyed-egg hunt in the Yellow Springs area.

  • Hunter-gatherers

    Ariana Robinson, left, Lucy Definis and Ashby Lyons led the charge up Gaunt Park Hill on Saturday, during the annual village Easter egg hunt. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    The 2017 Central Chapel AME Church’s annual Gaunt Park Easter Egg Hunt took place last Saturday, April 15.

  • Egg scramble

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill. It was a perfect spring day as kids sprinted up the hill, searching for goodies in the grass. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill, sponsored by the Central Chapel AME Church.

  • Egg Scramble

    Caroline Tucker, center, almost levitated with excitement. The frenzied hunt was over in a flash, but those who gathered more eggs than they needed shared eggs with the latecomers. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    About 100 youth gathered at Gaunt Park Saturday afternoon for the annual community Easter egg hunt, sponsored by Central Chapel A.M.E. Church, whose Youth Group stuffed candy into over 1,500 eggs.

  • Oh, hoppy day!

    Enjoying their candy-filled freebies were, from left, Kelly Kerstetter, Caleb Derrickson and Braden Derrickson. (photos by Megan Bachman)

    Warm and sunny spring weather brought out around 40 local toddlers and young children to scramble for eggs at the annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 19, sponsored by Central Chapel AME Church. Click below to see the photos larger.

  • Which came first, the bunny or the egg?

    Amani Wagner, left, and Hailey Qualls bowed their heads to the wind and plucked as many eggs from the Gaunt Park hill as their baskets could hold.

  • That’s some long hare

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