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Articles About Yellow Springs Arts Council

  • ‘Simple Steps’ at the YS Arts Council

    “Simple Steps,” an exhibition currently on display at the YS Arts Council, aims to attune those who view its pieces to what can be experienced by the senses — and beyond.

  • Art Jumble brightens season

    Welcome to the Yellow Springs Arts Council’s annual Art Jumble, running now through Dec. 31 at the council’s building, 111 Corry St.

  • Wheeling Gaunt sculpture unveiled in downtown Yellow Springs

    Standing over six-feet tall and glinting with a deep bronze exterior, a lifesize statue of 19th-century Yellow Springs resident, philanthropist and formerly enslaved man Wheeling Gaunt, was unveiled on Saturday, Oct. 2, to joyous celebration and fanfare.

  • Virtual exhibit showcases emerging artists

    With the aim of supporting new voices, the Yellow Springs Arts Council will host a virtual art show highlighting the work of four up-and-coming area artists.

  • Gaunt rising

    The grand opening of the Wheeling Gaunt Community Room at the Yellow Springs Arts Council was marked by the completion of a mural created by local muralist and Yellow Springs native Maiya Celeste. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    The grand opening of the Wheeling Gaunt Community Room at the Yellow Springs Arts Council was celebrated by a standing room-only crowd on Saturday, Aug. 17.

  • Four new Yellow Springs art shows to host receptions March 15

    Nearly concurrent opening receptions for four new art exhibitions in Yellow Springs will create a mini art stroll experience for visual art lovers wanting to catch them all Friday evening, March 15.

  • Holiday Art Jumble returns

    The annual Holiday Art Jumble opens this Saturday at the Arts Council Community Gallery, 111 Corry St. The event features a wide variety of art, crafts, gifts and seasonal items at affordable prices. The Jumble runs through December 30. (submitted photo by Corrine Bayraktaroglu)

    The Yellow Springs Arts Council is once again hosting their annual event which features handmade fine art, crafts, seasonal items and plenty of surprises. It’s official — the Art Jumble is here, so let the holiday season begin! 

  • New YSAC exhibit — Practicing the art of self-acceptance

    Deborah Dixon with a papier maché sea goddess and other original work in her home studio. (Photo by Carla Steiger)

    Curvy, energized, colorful nude women wriggle and writhe joyfully across a black T-shirt that Deborah Dixon designed, and wore, in a recent interview.

  • Local artists evoke places near, far and dear

    Local artist Anna Arbor, left, and former villager Catherine Lehman will exhibit together at the YSAC Community Gallery in “Places Far, Near and Dear” through Aug. 12. An opening reception with the artists is Friday, July 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the gallery, 111 Corry St. (Left photo by Carla Steiger; right, submitted photo)

    An opening reception for the exhibition “Places Far, Near and Dear,” featuring paintings by Anna Arbor and Catherine Lehman, will be held Friday, July 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the YSAC Community Gallery.

  • YSAC to spotlight beauty of wood

    Lowell Converse will have his wood turnings on display along with work by nine other wood artists and artisans in a new exhibition at Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery, Friday, June 15, through July 15. An opening reception June 15, from 6-9 p.m., will coincide with the village’s twice-yearly Art Stroll. (Submitted photo)

    The beauty and aesthetic harmony of wood will be on display this month in an invitational exhibition hosted by Yellow Springs Arts Council.

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