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Articles About Yellow Springs Board of Education

  • District breaks ground on facilities upgrade projects

    The $55 million project includes renovation at the Mills Lawn campus and a combination of renovation, demolition and new construction at the East Enon Road campus of McKinney Middle and YS High schools.

  • School board censures member Amy Magnus

    The school board’s most recent meeting Thursday, Jan. 9, included an agenda item that concerned an apology offered by board member Amy Magnus. The discussion of that agenda item ended in a 4–0 vote in favor of censuring Magnus, with Magnus abstaining from the vote.

  • Online posts raise concerns over privacy, transparency

    A group of messages shared in a local Facebook group earlier this month has raised questions, both broad and specific, about transparency and ethics within public bodies and the separation of public identities from private ones.

  • With $680k pledged for new soccer fields, LIHTC project advances

    Should Woda Cooper successfully be awarded the $15 million in low-income housing tax credits from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency to build a low-income housing development, the district would have $689,000 to turn the Joneses’ cornfield into playable soccer fields.

  • More LIHTC questions than answers at school board meeting

    At the center of the fraught discussion was the ongoing, intergovernmental initiative to build a 30- to 50-unit low-income housing development on the district-owned Morgan soccer fields.

  • LIHTC developer seeks site control of district-owned land

    As was discussed at Monday’s Village Council meeting, one matter still stands in the way of Columbus-based development company Woda Cooper LLC applying for the $15 million in low-income tax credits: getting site control of the Morgan Fields from the school district.

  • 2024 In Review | Education

    From ongoing facilities improvements, transfers of school property to incoming and outgoing educators — 2024 was a great year for education in Yellow Springs.

  • School board talks ongoing initiatives, later erupts

    Though the bulk of the school board’s most recent regular meeting Thursday, Dec. 12, was business as usual, the meeting’s last half hour was a return to the heightened tensions that have marked several of the board’s public interactions over the last few months.

  • LIHTC project ‘win-wins’ discussed

    The latest update on the land, presented at the Nov. 14 school board meeting, is that Morgan Fields have been appraised at $339,000 by Cedarville-based real estate and auction company Sheridan & Associates.

  • School board approves sale option for LIHTC project

    Mirroring a decision made by Village Council earlier the same week, the YS Board of Education voted 3–2 during a special meeting Thursday, Nov. 21, to approve an option to purchase agreement with the Village of Yellow Springs.

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