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Articles About Yellow Springs Board of Education :: Page 2

  • YS School District talks ‘State of the Schools’

    District enrollment is up from last year, breaking a several-year trend of declining student numbers; there are currently 634 students being educated in the district, with 436 being residents and 198 open-enrolled.

  • LIHTC, Gaunt Park raise questions

    The school district and Village government continue to work together to flesh out the details and possibilities of a proposed 50-unit low-income housing development.

  • Schools respond to tree concerns

    Those traveling on East Enon Road in the last week will have noticed some changes to the landscape at McKinney Middle and YS High schools: A number of modular buildings have been delivered to the edge of the campus, and many trees previously on the property have been removed.

  • Greene County ESC shows interest in Morgan Fields

    In an Aug. 28 letter penned by ESC Superintendent Terry Graves-Strieter and Interim Treasurer Kasey Mahaffey to YS School District leaders, the ESC is considering the purchase of the Morgan Fields to “have the land as a space for our students … for recess and other outdoor activities.

  • Village Council’s low-income housing talks press ahead

    At the Monday, Aug. 19 regular Village Council meeting, the group agreed to begin the steps of convening an intergovernmental body, as well authorized $12,500 to cover future legal fees — both in the interest of pursuing $15 million in tax credits to build a 50-unit low-income housing development.

  • Springers 4 More Springers seeks zoning reform, more low-income housing

    Springers 4 More Springers is a citizens action group that seeks to work with local elected bodies and residents to reform the Village zoning code, support affordable housing initiatives such as Home, Inc’s 50-unit project and serve as an advocate for tenants.

  • School board updates facilities design

    The facilities improvement project is slated to begin construction in January 2025, with completion expected by August 2026.

  • School board approves substitute levy

    The substitute levy, if passed at the polls Nov. 5, would not constitute new revenue from local voters, but would combine and continue for 10 years annual revenue of $1,975,000 already collected by two emergency levies passed in 2015 and 2017, which are set to expire in 2025.

  • School board to hire Ruetschle Architects facilities improvement design

    The school district’s facilities improvement project — particularly its timeline for both design and construction — was the topic of focus at a special meeting of the school board Wednesday, Jan. 24.

  • School facilities improvement process begins

    At its Dec. 14 regular meeting, the Yellow Springs Board of Education took its first step toward realizing the district school facilities improvements that were approved by voters last month.

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