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Outgoing Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt also spoke, highlighting the college’s decision to dedicate resources to the Glen’s protection, amid dire financial straits. (photo by Audrey Hackett)

Outgoing Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt also spoke, highlighting the college’s decision to dedicate resources to the Glen’s protection, amid dire financial straits. (photo by Audrey Hackett)

“Glen Helen Forever”

Community members and staff from Glen Helen, Tecumseh Land Trust, the Trust for Public Land and Antioch College celebrated the permanent preservation of all 1,000 acres of the Glen on Sunday, Nov. 8. Glen Helen Director Nick Boutis thanked the Glen’s collaborators for a “10 year odyssey” that secured conservation easements for “every inch” of the preserve. “What we thought of as protected land wasn’t,” but now it is, he said. Outgoing Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt also spoke, highlighting the college’s decision to dedicate resources to the Glen’s protection, amid dire financial straits. “It was the right thing to do, it was a beautiful thing to do,” he said. Celebrants gathered in the Outdoor Education Center building for refreshments and remarks, followed by guided walks in the Glen.


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