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Eliza Minde-Berman, above, took to the podium for performance of a piece she had worked on with the 6th-grade orchestra for the all-school orchestra and chorus performance May 15. (Photos by Matt Minde)

Eliza Minde-Berman, above, took to the podium for performance of a piece she had worked on with the 6th-grade orchestra for the all-school orchestra and chorus performance May 15. (Photos by Matt Minde)

Music al fresco at YSHS

A glorious Monday evening was backdrop to the all-school orchestra and chorus performance on May 15, which featured music makers from 5th and 6th grade, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School. Stand-out pieces included a choral rendition of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”accompanied by marimba, congas and tuned plastic “boom tubes,” which sound a note when struck, as well as a chamber quartet setting of the Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields Forever” played by four high schoolers. In addition to music teachers Brian Mayer, Jo Frannye Reichert and Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp, Eliza Minde-Berman, above, took to the podium for performance of a piece she had worked on with the 6th-grade orchestra. See more photos at

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