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Articles About Planning Commission

  • Village Planning Commission recommends repealing Gateway Overlay District

    At the most recent Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 10, the group revisited — and ultimately recommended to repeal — an anomalous and oft-under-referenced section of the Yellow Springs zoning code: the Gateway Overlay District.

  • Planning Commission approves next steps in ongoing development projects

    At the group’s Tuesday, Sept. 10 meeting, Planning Commission members approved: a phase two final plat application from DDC Management, a conditional use application from Ruetschle Architects on behalf of the Village School District and a zoning map amendment to rezone 3.612 acres of school district-owned land.

  • Township trustees support Polecat Road speed change

    Village Planning Commission member Scott Osterholm spoke before the trustees on a plan to request that Greene County change the speed limit on Polecat Road to 35 mph outside Village limits near Ellis Park, on a stretch of road located within Miami Township.

  • Planning Commission | Zoning amendments, senior housing move forward

    The plan for the proposed senior housing development includes 22 affordable duplex and triplex rental units earmarked for seniors and 10 two-story townhomes to be sold at low cost to qualifying buyers of varying age demographics.

  • Planning Commission | Residential zoning changes proposed

    At their most recent meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14, the members of YS Planning Commission voted to initiate the process of amending some text of the Village Zoning Code.

  • 2022 In Review | Planning Commission

    In 2022, Yellow Springs Planning Commission reviewed a new major subdivision, approved a plan to rezone land to accommodate a new agricultural business, approved the demolition and rebuilding of the structure that previously housed Earth Rose and more.

  • Dave Chappelle to demo, rebuild downtown Yellow Springs structure

    On Monday, Dec. 12, Yellow Springs Planning Commission members unanimously approved a plan for the demolition of the commercial and residential building at 221 Xenia Ave. — which formerly housed the independently owned retailer Earth Rose International Imports — and the construction of a new, more modern-looking structure there.

  • ‘Spring Meadows’ to go before Village Council

    A proposed 90-home major subdivision — dubbed “Spring Meadows” — is one step closer to being developed in Yellow Springs.

  • Planning Commission reviews ‘Spring Meadows’

    Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management LLC presented a preliminary plat application for a 92-lot subdivision to the Yellow Springs Planning Commission during the commission’s most recent meeting Tuesday, April 12, conducted online via Zoom.

  • Planning Commission approves new village farm

    A proposal for a small farm and adjacent farm goods store within the village was given the green light, with several caveats, by the Yellow Springs Planning Commission.

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