Articles About Yellow Springs High School
District breaks ground on facilities upgrade projects
The $55 million project includes renovation at the Mills Lawn campus and a combination of renovation, demolition and new construction at the East Enon Road campus of McKinney Middle and YS High schools.
Community Band and school choirs 2024 Holiday Concert
A capacity crowd was treated to a collaborative holiday concert Monday evening, Dec. 16, in Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church.
School of rock
Earlier this month, excavation crews struck something unusual as they were clearing the campus of McKinney Middle and YS High schools for the planned renovation and new construction.
Architect firm chosen for school facilities project
Ruetschle Architects, and in particular firm Vice President Mike Ruetschle, worked with the district in 2022 and 2023 as a consultant to create a master facilities plan to put before voters.
Students of the Month | October 2023
YS schools announced the October recipients of student and faculty awards at the Oct. 12 Board of Education meeting.
Students celebrate Hispanic and Latino heritage
On Thursday, Oct. 12, McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High School students celebrated National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month — which is observed Sept. 15–Oct. 15 — with a cultural fair and assembly.
Action, laughs and heart in ‘She Kills Monsters’
In the upcoming Yellow Springs High School production of “She Kills Monsters,” comedy and drama come together to examine loss through a unique — and for its main character, unexpected — lens: the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons.
Students of the Month | May 2023
YS Schools announced the May recipients of student and faculty awards at the May 22 Board of Education meeting.
Yellow Springs High School 2023 Graduation
The 61 graduates of the Class of 2023 officially said “farewell” to Yellow Springs High School on Thursday, May 25, as they graduated in the school’s gym.
Last, and first, steps
YSHS Seniors got the traditional clap out on Friday, May 19, as they filed by family and fellow students, faculty and staff lining the halls.
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