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Articles About Yellow Springs High School :: Page 3

  • Students of the Month | February 2023

    YS Schools announced the February recipients of student and faculty awards at the Feb. 9 Board of Education meeting.

  • YSHS senior brings back cheer camp

    Senior Sophie Clouse-Taylor and the Yellow Springs High School cheer team hosted 37 Mills Lawn Elementary students for a three-day mini cheer camp. Clouse-Taylor organized the event for her senior capstone project.

  • Students of the Month — January 2023

    YS Schools announced the January recipients of student and faculty awards at the Jan. 12 Board of Education meeting.

  • 2022 In Review | Education & Sports

    This year in education and athletics around Yellow Springs: The Facilities Committee was formed, young thespians staged a number of blockbuster performances, 30 students graduated from Antioch College, The Antioch School celebrated its centennial and more.

  • Students take flight in ‘Peter Pan’

    McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High schools will present “Peter Pan and Wendy,” adapted by Doug Rand from the original play and novel by J.M. Barrie, Thursday–Sunday, Nov. 17–20, in the Yellow Springs High School gym.

  • YSHS Volleyball | Phil Renfro named coach of the year

    Following the YSHS varsity volleyball team’s championship win in the Metro Buckeye Conference last month, Phil Renfro was honored for leading the team to victory — he was named coach of the year by the conference.

  • School play meditates on antiracism

    “Five Scripts Toward an Antiracist Tomorrow,” will be mounted by the young thespians of McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High schools Thursday–Sunday, Nov. 3–6, at the Foundry Theater. Admission is free.

  • YS Schools receive state ratings

    The district’s highest average proficiencies across all tested subjects were social studies, English language arts and science. The lowest-scoring subject in achievement was math, which averaged 54% across grades three through eight and high school algebra and geometry.

  • Yellow Springs Schools 50th reunion scholarship expands

    It happens almost every year like clockwork: Former students from Yellow Springs schools return for a day or a weekend of fellowship with their former classmates to reminisce about their days in the schools.

  • Ex-principal’s licensure suspended

    The new principal of the High School and McKinney School, Tim Krier sees the influx of international students and a new flexible credit policy as positive developments for the schools in 2010. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Former McKinney Middle School and YS High School Principal Tim Krier’s Ohio assistant superintendent and high school principal licensures were suspended effective June 1.

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