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Articles About MLS halloween parade

  • Scary stroll

    Wizards and warlocks, pretty princesses and fearsome warriors, minions, monsters and more took to the streets on Halloween afternoon, Oct. 31.

  • Spooky strut

    Walking under the autumn sun on Halloween afternoon, Monday, Oct. 31, were plenty of pretty princesses, frightful goblins and ghouls, myriad Marios and Luigis, fantastical warriors and beautiful Barbies.

  • School’s ghouls: Mills Lawn School Halloween parade

    Mills Lawn School students and faculty dressed in their Halloween best filed out of the school and down Xenia Avenue past an afternoon crowd of cheering parents and passers-by before looping back to school to wrap up the day and head into the evening’s festivities. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    After a three-year hiatus, the long-loved Mills Lawn School Halloween parade and town-wide trick-or-treating returned Monday, Oct. 31.

  • Mills Lawn March Madness

    Critters just kept streaming out of the maw of Mills Lawn School. Bringing up the rear, from left, are Miette Murphy, Eloise Murphy, and Anah Smith watch as wizard Liliana Herzog gestures wildly with her wand, hopefully not transforming co-marcher Alayna Hamilton at her right. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School’s annual Halloween Parade through downtown Monday brought out the beauty as well as the beast in everyone.

  • Mills Lawn School brings out Halloween spirits, and more…

    Bursts of color and activity filled the Mills Lawn School gymnasium as kids cavorted in costumes. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Although Beggars Night was rescheduled, Mills Lawn School’s annual Halloween Parade did take place, albeit in the slightly more accommodating confines of the school gymnasium.

  • Mills Lawn students kick off Yelloween

    Mills Lawn students were out in their holiday finest yesterday, kicking off a weekend of Yelloween festivities with the annual Halloween Parade. A plethora of scary, silly, fun and creative costumes could be seen as the children showed off on Xenia Avenue.

  • A petrifying parade of grade-school ghouls

    Treats await Mills Lawn School students on their return from their annual Halloween Parade.

    Last Friday, Oct. 29, Mills Lawn School students once again set out to spook downtown via the annual Halloween Parade.

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