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A bloody skeleton, a yellow belt and Fidel Castro could all be seen downtown yesterday.

Mills Lawn students kick off Yelloween

Mills Lawn students were out in their holiday finest yesterday, kicking off a weekend of Yelloween festivities with the annual Halloween Parade. A plethora of scary, silly, fun and creative costumes could be seen as the children showed off on Xenia Avenue.

Yelloween fun continues today, beginning at 2:30 p.m. with a Creepy Carnival at Ye Olde Trail Tavern. The event will feature games for the whole family and music from local favorite, DJ “Hallow” Gene, ending around 10 p.m.

For those with a sweet tooth, Beggar’s Night trick-or-treating will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Villagers are urged to use extra caution when driving, as many a little boil and ghoul will be afoot. Traditional neighborhood bonfires will be held at the same time, at the following locations:

• Northwood and Whitehall Drives
• 224 W. Davis Street
• “The triangle” at Whiteman, Livermore and Davis Streets
• Gaunt Park at 500 W. South College Street
• The 300 block of Union Street
• 260 Kingsfield Court
• Edgefield and Southgate Drives
• 320 Orton Road

After little ghosts and goblins have had their fill of treats, festivities will continue on Corry Street with a Monster’s Ball, where the Village’s own DJ Dr. Falafel will spin tunes from 8:30–10:30. Those downtown can also check out the annual performance of “Thriller,” as zombies converge on the Bryan Center at 10 p.m. for their part in “Thrill the World,” a worldwide, simultaneous performance.

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