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Articles About project-based learning

  • New grants for Agraria —  Kids get the dirt on soil education

    Mills Lawn third-graders Emery Fodal and Wyatt Fagan counted soil invertebrates using Berlese Funnels at Agraria last spring. They also kept data on soil temperature levels over a four-week period at the farm. (Submitted photo by Peg Morgan)

    The architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller often used a metaphor to illustrate how small targeted actions can move massive systems. Fuller noted that the “trim tab,” a tiny mechanism of a ship’s rudder, can change the ship’s course with a minute movement. At the Agraria Center for Regenerative Agriculture, soil is seen as that “trim tab.”

  • YS Schools — Superintendent outlines new district goals

    Improving school culture, deepening the rigor of project-based learning and collaborating with the community on a plan for district facilities were among the main areas of focus in a set of proposed goals presented to the Yellow Springs School Board during its most recent regular meeting.

  • All downhill

    Students of Ms. Eastman’s science class and Mr. Collins’ math class designed and rendered variations on a standard soapbox racer to come up with the fastest, most effective shape. Shown above in the driver’s seat is Sam Anderson; standing is teammate Temple Siemer, who cheered him on. The winning racer was designed and built by Peter Skidmore, Ashley Abnadell and Rosemary Burmester. (Photo by Susan Gartner)

    McKinney Middle School eighth-graders navigated handmade soapbox racers down Fairfield Pike last Thursday in the culmination of a PBL project.

  • Heroic collaboration

    Seventh-grader Olive Cooper elaborates on her superhero character, a project that required pulling together history, art, narrative and a bit of theatrical flair. It was just one of the many projects on display at McKinney Middle School and YSHS Project-Based Learning Exhibition Night on Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Many projects were on display at McKinney Middle School and YSHS Project-Based Learning Exhibition Night on Wednesday, May 16.

  • ‘Black Panther’ inspires PBL at McKinney

    A Black Panther-themed Project-Based Learning unit took McKinney Middle School seventh-graders on a journey through African geography, history and culture; the American civil rights movement; and comic book history with the end result of creating their own African superhero or heroine. Those individual characters were then fully rendered by art students at the Columbus College of Art & Design. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Joining a pantheon of costumed comic book predecessors fighting injustice and oppression around them, some new superheroines and heroes are the original creations of McKinney Middle School seventh-graders.

  • A day at the museum

    Second-graders Cruz Drew and Gianna Bunch portrayed notable African-American writer and educator Booker T. Washington, whose history and biography they studied, at the Jan. 26 Mills Lawn School Black History Month Living Museum. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    As the finale to their recent studies of African-American history, Mills Lawn School second-graders tied the past with the present via a “living museum,” and an all-school assembly.

  • Community input sought for future PBL projects

    Isaiah Search used a tree identification guide to help his team chart and name the trees near the tennis court at Mills Lawn school in 2014. The second-grade class mapped the campus to help the district figure out which trees were at risk for emerald ash borer disease. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs Schools is requesting ideas from the community for future project-based learning projects.

  • Mills Lawn fourth-graders eye affordable housing via PBL

    The fourth graders in Shannon Wilson’s class at Mills Lawn are tackling the issue of affordable housing in the village as a year-long Project-based Learning unit. They met with members and supporters of Home, Inc. just before the winter break to learn about the nonprofit’s work and to share their research. Above, Trevor Roberts and Jonah Simon engage Home, Inc. Executive Director Emily Seibel, while Ryan Thomas confers with a peer in the background. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Finding an affordable place to live in Yellow Springs can be a challenge. That’s a conclusion reached by Mills Lawn fourth graders as part of a project-based learning unit.

  • School board meeting— State report card discussed

    While Yellow Springs received mixed grades on the 2016–2017 Ohio school report card, district leaders remain skeptical that the report card system delivers meaningful data about local schools.

  • Projecting their knowledge

    Sumaya Chappelle presents a PBL project on garbage to teachers, parents and peers. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Students of McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School held their annual Fall Exposition Night Monday evening, Nov. 19, showcasing end results or intermediate stages of many PBL projects.

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