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Articles About project-based learning :: Page 3

  • YSHS ranked 13th in Ohio

    Just in time for graduation, Yellow Springs High School recently found out it’s at the top of its class.

  • Exhibiting ingenuity

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13. To wit, the egg drop seemed to be one domino short of success. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13.

  • School Board: Yellow Springs teachers coach PBL

    Yellow Springs Schools superintendent Mario Basora recently reported that five project-based learning, or PBL, coaches and two administrators traveled to Nashville for a PBL coach training seminar.

  • Yellow Springs school board eyes rising PBL costs

    The Yellow Springs School District’s budget work session concerned itself with overall ways to increase revenue as the district slides to deficit spending.

  • Mills Lawn students plan for a bench

    Mr. Knostman’s fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn School is working on a project to improve the Glen Forest cemetery by adding a memory bench. Students here are shown mapping the project. (Submitted Photo)

    Fourth-graders in Brian Knostman’s class at Mills Lawn Elementary are leading a project to make Glen Forest Cemetery more comfortable for mourners visiting loved ones and friends.

  • Mills Lawn School third-graders learn to be citizens

    Members of Ms. Peg Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn School recently spent two months on a project-based learning, or PBL, project focused on local government and citizenship. Shown above are, front row from left, Morris Wyatt, Sam Gilley, Claire Lewis, Cole Oberg, Katie Quigley, and Sophie Tatman. In the middle, Lacey Longshaw, Tegan Hays, Ayla Arnold, Brady Clark, Tiger Collins and Miles Gilchrist. And in the back row, Liliana Herzog, Kenji Housh, Quinn Creighton, Kanon Flatt, Elyse Lytle, Avry Bell-Arment and Ms. Morgan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Students in Ms. Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn came upon several surprises as they studied local government during the past two months.

  • Banner day at Mills Lawn School

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials to Principal Matt Housh. (Submitted photo courtesy of Mills Lawn School)

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials.

  • School board praises 2020 Plan

    The Yellow Springs school district’s 2020 Plan, which aims to increase student success by enhancing innovation in teaching and learning, appears to be achieving its goals.

  • Mills Lawn School students on task with four sides

    Mills Lawn third-grade students studied quadrilaterals in math class this year by getting outside and identifying four-sided shapes in the community. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    One of the challenges for teachers of mathematics is helping students see the relevancy of seemingly abstract concepts in their daily lives. “When will I ever use this?” is an oft-muttered refrain.

  • Root causes

    Every Arbor Day since 1982, the Yellow Springs Tree Committee has planted at least one tree on the Mills Lawn School grounds. This year the elementary yard got two new trees: a cucumber tree, which is a type of magnolia, and a scarlet oak. Above, Tree Committe member Bob Barcus and the new tree are surrounded by students from kindergarten to third grade, who earlier helped top off the tree’s topsoil. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Every Arbor Day since 1982, the Yellow Springs Tree Committee has planted at least one tree on the Mills Lawn School grounds.

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