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Mr. Knostman’s fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn School is working on a project to improve the Glen Forest cemetery by adding a memory bench. Students here are shown mapping the project. (Submitted  Photo)

Mr. Knostman’s fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn School is working on a project to improve the Glen Forest cemetery by adding a memory bench. Students here are shown mapping the project. (Submitted Photo)

Mills Lawn students plan for a bench

Fourth-graders in Brian Knostman’s class at Mills Lawn Elementary are leading a project to make Glen Forest Cemetery more comfortable for mourners visiting loved ones and friends.

The students are raising money to build a “memory bench” for the cemetery after completing project-based learning lesson on plotting there this school year. For the project, students visited the cemetery and created a plotting/gridding system using a student-designed measuring tool, with permission from the township. Trustee Chris Mucher visited the class to discuss their plans at the cemetery. After completing that work, the students decided they wanted to do something to improve the cemetery.

“They really wanted to do something that was beneficial to all and they were very respectful in their choices,” said Knostman. “The respect level that they had for the cemetery was very important to me.”

After brainstorming ideas, students settled on the memory bench. “It’s a place for people to sit back and remember their friends and family,” said student Violet Babb.

The cost of a kit to build a bench is $409. Students have raised $123.37 so far and are continuing their efforts to raise money for the project, with a hopeful installation date in May. To donate money toward the bench, contact Knostman at Mills Lawn Elementary School at 937-767-7217 or 200 S. Walnut St., Yellow Springs.

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