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Articles About COVID-19

  • A village and a virus, four years on

    This year marks the fourth anniversary since the novel coronavirus began spreading uncontrollably throughout the world, shuttering businesses, upending routines, overwhelming hospitals and ultimately claiming the lives of over 1 million U.S. residents.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 20, Village Council meeting is virtual

    The next Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20, at 7 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually, due to an increased risk of COVID.

  • COVID vaccine supply changing distribution

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    In a recent press release from the Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff, the department’s director, offered assurances that the COVID-19 vaccine will continue to be readily available to Ohioans, including the uninsured, as the vaccine supply moves to a more traditional healthcare distribution model in the next month.

  • COVID-19 emergency ends

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The COVID-19 emergency is over, but the pandemic continues. That was the overarching message from Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff, director of the Ohio Department of Health during an online press conference Thursday, May 11.

  • 2022 In Review | Top Stories

    From significant Village Council decisions to the return of many in-person events throughout the village, 2022 was a big year for Yellow Springs.

  • COVID Update | Dec. 22, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County remains at a “medium” community level for COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent designation, released Thursday, Dec. 15.

  • COVID Update | Dec. 29, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County has moved from a “medium” to a “high” community level for COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s most recent assessment, released Thursday, Dec. 22.

  • COVID Update | Dec. 15, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County reported a slight increase in the number of new cases per 100,000 residents over the most recent two-week period, with 228.5 as of Dec. 8, compared to 226.8 reported Dec. 1.

  • COVID Update | Dec. 8, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County’s number of new cases rose during that period, with 249 cases for Nov. 23–30, compared to 168 cases for Nov. 17–22. The 45387 ZIP accounted for nine of those cases, compared to three the week before.

  • COVID Update | Dec. 1, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Greene County’s number of new cases rose during that period, with 168 cases for Nov. 17–22, compared to 100 for the week of Nov. 10–16.

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