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Articles About energy efficiency

  • Cut electric rates with peak shaving

    Periodically throughout the summer, Village government encourages Yellow Springers to assist with “peak shaving.” The practice is generally understood as a way to reduce electricity usage and save money, but what does it actually mean?

  • Plan, curtail for climate goals

    Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy outside their new nonprofit, Plan Curtail, located on East Whiteman Street. Through its website at, the organization provides research, perspectives, metrics and methods to individuals seeking to make meaningful lifestyle changes to lower their carbon dioxide emissions. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Villagers Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy believe planning a personal energy budget and curtailing personal energy use are the essential actions individuals can take to help slow global warming.

  • Yellow Springs cuts energy use smartly

    Electricity use in Yellow Springs fell from 37,000 megawatt-hours in 2003 to 30,600 MWh last year, in part due to energy-efficiency measures implemented under the Efficiency Smart program. (Source: Village of Yellow Springs)

    Yellow Springs shaved 3.7 percent off of its annual electricity use over the last three years, thanks to a communitywide energy-efficiency program.

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • New firm helps village go green

    New company GreenTech Energy Solutions will offer home energy audits, complete home retrofits and solar power products to local customers. Shannon Lindstrom, left, and alternative energy expert Chris Meyer, right, are partners in the new firm, along with Scott Lindstrom. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Interested in solar power? Adding insulation to your home? A super high-efficiency furnace? Then one local company, which is expanding services this month under a new name, may be the place to go for homeowners wanting to go green.

  • Energy efficiency within reach

    Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy of Community Solutions are completing a new film, A Building Revolution: The Super-insulated Passive House, about ways builders and engineers around the world have developed to reduce home energy use by 80–90 percent. The film features local builders, such as Chris Glaser, above, working on a deep energy retrofit of the carriage house behind Community Solution in 2008. (Submitted photo)

    When Pat Murphy came to Yellow Springs in 2003, he said he could build a house that operated with 50 percent less fossil fuels than a conventional home, but his partner, Faith Morgan, didn’t believe him. Now, 10 years later, the couple is wrapping up a new film about homes built in Yellow Springs and around the country that use 90 percent less energy to heat and cool than conventional dwellings.

  • Village CF bulb giveaway

    Thousands of compact fluorescent light bulbs will be given away this week as part of a village-funded energy-efficiency program.

  • Efficiency program benefits businesses in many ways

    Local businesses looking to save money by cutting their fuel use now have an extra incentive to do so. Money that began as a fine against the Village for buying power from a polluting coal plant is coming home to help Yellow Springs businesses get energy-efficient.

  • Energy Board recommends line-drying—A meditative, energy-saving habit

    Laura Ellison, who has been air drying her laundry since she was 22, doesn’t see her energy-saving act as a sacrifice. Stringing clothes on lines that zigzag her living room in front of a wood stove is a relaxing, almost spiritual experience.

  • GCCC upgrades are good for the earth and pocketbook

    When local architect Ted Donnell began working with the Greene County Career Center five years ago, he brought with him an environmental ethic that culminated in a $6.1 million energy upgrade over the summer, replete with geothermal heating and cooling and an insulated roof.

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