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Articles About racism

  • Sankofa Talk | A victim of Jim Crow tactics

    “The longer I live, the more incidents of mistreatment, ranging from covert to blatantly overt, keep piling up. Sometimes it feels like I’m at the bottom of a pile of football players and they just keep jumping onto the pile.”

  • ‘The Wrecking Crew’ reflects on 2020 protests

    On Aug. 21, Bomani Moyenda and several members of the Wrecking Crew gathered in Antioch College’s MacGregor Hall to discuss the 25 weeks of non-stop organizing and protests.

  • Post-affirmative action

    Why these rulings matter, the history of affirmative action and its effect on a societal level, were points of discussion during a recent News interview with Kenneth Durgans, associate provost for diversity and inclusion at Kansas City University in Missouri.

  • School play meditates on antiracism

    “Five Scripts Toward an Antiracist Tomorrow,” will be mounted by the young thespians of McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High schools Thursday–Sunday, Nov. 3–6, at the Foundry Theater. Admission is free.

  • Community Colloquy | ‘White privilege and everyday life‘

    At the next event on June 16, psychologists Judith Skillings and Frederick “Pete” Peterson will discuss what white privilege is and isn’t, and clarify what microaggressions mean.

  • Students walk out to protest racism

    The walk out was a response to an incident between a white teacher, Karleen Materne, and a Black student after the teacher was overheard saying the N-word.

  • ‘Celebration and solidarity’— Panel to discuss AAPI heritage

    At home in Yellow Springs, as elsewhere in the country, community members of AAPI heritage are making plans to use this month as a bolster to speak out against racism — but also to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of culture that Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders living in Yellow Springs bring to their village.

  • The Briar Patch— A dilemma with good reason

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an already catastrophic healthcare crisis in Black communities across the United States. The conversation around vaccinations must extend beyond forced mandates or anti-vaxxer tropes.

  • Countering racism in Yellow Springs schools

    In the News’ ongoing “Facing Race” series, we turn this week to the local school district for a look at how the schools are reckoning with race and implementing new efforts, alongside continuing initiatives, to counter racism’s presence and effects.

  • Council recommits to anti-racism

    At their Aug. 17 virtual meeting, Village Council members agreed to move forward to meet the demands of local anti-racist rally organizers and take other steps to address racism locally after tensions escalated between the two groups in recent weeks.

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