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Yellow Springs News Community Standards

To ensure this web site will serve as a forum for polite but powerful public discourse, we have adopted a few community standards.

We envision our forum and comments as a virtual version of the conversations that villagers enjoy having with each other, perhaps downtown, standing on the sidewalk or sitting on a bench on Xenia Avenue. In those conversations, we know who we’re speaking to, and we want the same personal relationship and accountability on the forum.

Consequently, we require

  • that you use your real name, both first and last, when commenting,
  • that you use a valid email address,
  • that you not represent yourself as someone else, and
  • that you demonstrate the same respect for each other in the virtual world as you would in person.

While disagreements are certainly appropriate, personal attacks are not, and will be deleted.

We look forward to your contributions!
YS News Staff

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