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Articles About energy efficiency :: Page 2

  • Vernay is potential solar site

    At their Sept. 7 meeting, Village Council members took their first official step toward adding solar power to the Village energy portfolio when they unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance for an AMP solar energy subscription package.

  • Murphy examines cars, consumption

    Electric cars may not be the answer to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, says local author Pat Murphy in his recently-released book, Spinning Our Wheels. Instead, Murphy proposes, we should share rides to increase transportation’s efficiency and reduce the number of total cars on the road.

  • Solar project elicits interest

    At the Aug. 16 Village Council meeting Village leaders expressed enthusiasm for a new American Municipal Power, or AMP, solar energy subscription package, and asked Village Manager Mark Cundiff to prepare an ordinance to enable the Village to sign on to the project.

  • Energy upgrades spark learning

    Waibel's project manager Rodney Rhoades inspects a highly-efficient new mechanical cooling unit to be installed on the roof of the McKinney school. New HVAC systems are just one component of an energy-efficiency overhaul at the schools. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Not only will the Yellow Springs high, middle and elementary schools benefit from an energy-efficient makeover this coming school year, their students will learn how to analyze and reduce the school’s energy use from the classroom.

  • Schools get a “green” makeover

    Solar shades will soon adorn the southern facade of the high school to cut the demand for mechanical cooling. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    New for the 2010 school year is an energy-efficiency makeover at all three school buildings and an energy curriculum to match.

  • A group to support greening

    Clinical psychologist Kate LeVesconte knows that support groups encourage positive behavior. So when she became concerned about the dangers of carbon fuel use, LeVesconte co-created an energy conservation support group, where people help each other live more sustainably.

  • Council agrees to smart plant

    At its meeting Monday, July 19, Village Council approved the first reading of an ordinance committing to a “Smart Power Plant” program of American Municipal Power. The program allows the Village’s residential and commercial power consumers to take advantage of consulting services on how to reduce energy consumption.

  • Green towns offer new ideas

    As sustainability gains ground as an integral component of city planning, many municipalities across the country are creating ways to use less energy and ensure that the energy they use comes from renewable sources.

  • New Energy Board created

    At their July 6 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved the establishment of a Village Energy Board, an ongoing citizen volunteer group with a charge to work with Village staff to help reduce the Village’s carbon footprint in a variety of ways.

  • The 3 percent solution for energy use

    When the Village’s electric power supplier looks into the future, its leaders assume that the village’s need for electricity will increase by about 1 percent each year. But with much of the supply currently coming from carbon–emitting coal plants, villagers and Village leaders have been looking for ways not to be such predictable power consumers.

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