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Articles About project-based learning :: Page 4

  • Village schools students focus work on village

    At the district’s project-based learning exhibition night in February 2014, McKinney Middle School students Ischel Heredia, left, and Anastasia Cooper presented the seventh-grade’s Ancient Greece project. The district’s third K-12 PBL exhibition night will take place Thursday, Jan. 15, 6:30–8 p.m. at Mills Lawn School, featuring a wide variety of projects such as a French cookbook, ecosystem exploration and a performance of “Antigone.” (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    Villagers are invited to come to the school to see, what students from kindergarten through 12th grade have been doing with project-based learning this year.

  • Young YSHS artists to host their own show

    The Yellow Springs High School advanced art class will hold a student art show, Views of the Village, at the Village Artisan’s Gallery, 100 Corry St., during the month of January. An opening event will take place on Friday, Jan. 9, 6–8 p.m. Some of the artists include, from left, Nadia Mulhall, Tom Amrhein and Lake Miller. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    When seven YSHS artists set out to create a public art exhibit at the beginning of the year, they had no idea that showing their work would be so much more difficult than creating it in the first place.

  • Mills Lawn on the move to innovate

    New to Mills Lawn this year are fourth-grade teacher Cheryl Devine, left, and fifth and sixth grade special education teacher Renée Hatert. The two joined other district teachers this week for several days of professional development at AU Midwest before school starts Friday. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    When Mills Lawn School opens its doors this Friday, it will serve more students than last year, a growth trend that Principal Matt Housh sees as steady.

  • Peace piece

    At last Friday’s exhibition of the school-wide Project Peace Initiative at Mills Lawn School, music teacher Jo Frannye Reichert led third-graders in a conga drum performance, as part of D.R.U.M Code, which stands for “discipline, respect and unity through music.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At last Friday’s exhibition of the school-wide Project Peace Initiative at Mills Lawn School, third-graders performed a conga drum performance, as part of D.R.U.M Code.

  • Fixing the fixtures at YSHS

    Yellow Springs High School Student Review Board members, from left, David Butcher, Lake Miller and Lorien Chavez, are leading an effort to remake the main boys and girls restrooms at Yellow Springs High School. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs High School freshman Lorien Chavez happened to be in the girls bathroom at the high school last year when some cheerleaders from another school walked in. Not realizing she was there, they began commenting on how gross and unkempt the school’s main bathroom was.
    “When I came out of the stall I looked at them and was like, “oh, I know, we don’t like it either,’” Chavez said. “I was really embarrassed.”

  • A lesson in black and white

    The program celebrating Black History Month was performed during the day for the K–6 student body and included a dialogue with Rosa Parks, songs by Civil Rights-era folk singer Pete Seeger, and Mills Lawn students, from left, Eliza Gilchrist, Eva Schell and Malaya Booth singing with the rest of their class. (Photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Friday the Mills Lawn fourth, fifth and sixth grade students performed a varied program of songs, readings, poems and a skit to celebrate the end of Black History Month.

  • School board— School of rock replaces ‘flex’

    An overwhelming majority of Yellow Springs High School students last fall voiced disappointment with part of a new scheduling system that was implemented at the beginning of the school year.

  • All Greek to me: A peek at Project-Based Learning

    Above, Ischel Heredia, left, dressed as Persephone, and Anastasia Cooper, dressed as one of the Fates, stand in front of the seventh-grade’s Ancient Greece project. (Photo by Matt Minde

    The Yellow Springs Schools presented a peek at Project-Based Learning at Mills Lawn School Friday, Jan. 31.

  • Angela Wright leaves school board with hope

    Angela Wright left the school board last month after 20 years and four full terms of serving the schools. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Having served 20 years as a Yellow Springs school board member over a span of three decades, Angela Wright has seen her share of ebb and flow in the district.

  • Mills Lawn school reopens — Students to practice inclusion, service

    Project-based learning (PBL) is at the fore this year at Yellow Springs schools, and Mills Lawn is no exception. But the school also has other goals for the year.

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