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McKinney School
Students of Ms. Eastman’s science class and Mr. Collins’ math class designed and rendered variations on a standard soapbox racer to come up with the fastest, most effective shape. Shown above in the driver’s seat is Sam Anderson; standing is teammate Temple Siemer, who cheered him on. The winning racer was designed and built by Peter Skidmore, Ashley Abnadell and Rosemary Burmester. (Photo by Susan Gartner)

Students of Ms. Eastman’s science class and Mr. Collins’ math class designed and rendered variations on a standard soapbox racer to come up with the fastest, most effective shape. Shown above in the driver’s seat is Sam Anderson; standing is teammate Temple Siemer, who cheered him on. The winning racer was designed and built by Peter Skidmore, Ashley Abnadell and Rosemary Burmester. (Photo by Susan Gartner)

All downhill

In what looked like a flashback from the ’50s, McKinney Middle School eighth-graders navigated handmade soapbox racers down Fairfield Pike last Thursday in the culmination of a PBL project.

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