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Articles by Susan Gartner

More Articles by Susan Gartner
  • All downhill

    Students of Ms. Eastman’s science class and Mr. Collins’ math class designed and rendered variations on a standard soapbox racer to come up with the fastest, most effective shape. Shown above in the driver’s seat is Sam Anderson; standing is teammate Temple Siemer, who cheered him on. The winning racer was designed and built by Peter Skidmore, Ashley Abnadell and Rosemary Burmester. (Photo by Susan Gartner)

    McKinney Middle School eighth-graders navigated handmade soapbox racers down Fairfield Pike last Thursday in the culmination of a PBL project.

  • 2013 Community Thanksgiving Dinner

    The ninth year of Yellow Springs community Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success; an estimated 225 people participated. (Submitted photos by Joan Chappelle)

    The ninth year of Yellow Springs community Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success, thanks to the combined efforts of many people.

  • Elf-guided tour

    Penny Adamson, left, and Emily Seibel were enthusiastic participants in last week-end’s Elf Tour, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

  • YSKP, the whole year ’round

    Even with the loss of its Antioch Theater space last year, YS Kids Playhouse continues to build community through contemporary theater. Displaying its characteristic “the show must go on!” spirit and resourcefulness, the local arts organization has every intention to fulfill its mission of not only providing theater arts and arts education opportunities for Yellow Springs and surrounding communities, but to expand its programming year-round.

  • Loading dock brings sculptor to YS

    Massive logs lay outside the artist’s workspace, quietly waiting their turn to be carved, chiseled, shaped, shaved, sanded, planed and polished into a gallery of finely finished forms. The logs were recently recovered from a fallen Catalpa tree on the grounds of the Westcott House in Springfield, a unique example of the prairie-style architecture made famous by Frank Lloyd Wright.

  • Brother Bear brews cup of kindness

    “Last call on espresso bar!” That’s what patrons will typically hear just before closing time at Brother Bear’s Café, the new coffeehouse located at 118 Dayton Street (formerly the site of the Epic Book Shop). To know how the coffeehouse came to be (and how it almost never was) adds a unique cocoa-mocha twist to […]

  • Way opening for family in YS

    Four years ago, Tony Novello was a visitor to Ohio, en route to a golf tournament with a colleague from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. While his friend drove, the Maryland resident took in the sights.

  • Kid flicks, red carpet at Little Art

    Lora Boarman, Laura Carlson, Elaine Chappelle, Chasilee Crawford and Stacey Wirrig have a refreshing — and infectious — approach to the typical departmental meeting. For starters, their weekly meetings take place at the Emporium or Yellow Springs Arts Council Art Space.

  • Local access cable station at risk

    Tune in to Yellow Springs’ public access television station and you might find a Village Council meeting, a Community Band performance or a local resident singing in the shower, viewed from the neck up, thanking the television audience for their patronage. (“Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.”) At the same […]

  • Film feast: Little Art, eateries unite

    “We’re in a highly competitive industry that’s changing,” said Little Art Theatre owner Jenny Cowperthwaite in a recent interview. “Fewer people are seeing movies in theaters. It’s not just independent theaters like the Little Art that are experiencing declining attendance. It’s industry-wide.”

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