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Articles by Susan Gartner :: Page 5

  • Community effort seeks to save Antioch’s Curl gym

    The text message reads: “ball at noon.” Modern technology meets pick-up game of basketball. “One gentleman and I come no matter what,” said Branson Pyles recently, taking a moment out from practice to be interviewed.

  • Library mural to honor Fishbain

    Beth Holyoke and Kaethi Seidl worked last week on the library’s tile bench and mural commissioned by the family of Harold Fishbain to honor his life as a local physician, playful storyteller and avid reader. Photo by Susan Gartner.

  • Friends Preschool forges intergenerational bonds

    Residents of Friends Care Community interact and bond with children attending Friends Preschool, which is housed inside the nursing home.

  • It takes a village to raise a ‘Roof’

    Randomly select anyone from the extensive list of participants — parents, students, staff, store owners, volunteers and professionals — who contributed to this year’s Yellow Springs High School spring musical, Fiddler On the Roof…

  • Banners fly high once again

    Just when you think you’ve reached your limit of gray skies and brown grass, a bright spot of color appears in the shape of…a five-foot tall blue bug? a purple horse? a majestic macaw?

  • ‘An evening of mirth and magic’ to benefit Riding Centre

    It’s a profound experience to participate one-on-one in the sleight-of-hand act of a professional magician. You watch intently as he manipulates a set of coins, making them disappear and reappear with seamless precision.

  • This Saturday, just park your car

    “There are so many cars!” That’s the first thing Stephanie Broelingen and Julika Ruf noticed about Yellow Springs when they arrived last fall to begin their senior year at Yellow Springs High School. Ruf says they both noticed the difference right away…

  • A Brazilian beat for dancing feet

    Click on to the Web site of New York City-based accordionist and composer Rob Curto at and when the music starts, just try to keep your body motionless. Concentrate on keeping your shoulders completely still…

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