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Articles by Susan Gartner :: Page 4

  • Teens wield tools for library mural

    “Help create a teen space mural for the Yellow Springs Public Library. Make new friends! Wear fashionable safety glasses! Learn how to master a jigsaw, cutting intricate shapes out of wood with the blade only inches from your fingers! Amaze your friends! Worry your parents!

  • Lawn art calls to Village Walkers

    There’s a secret club in Yellow Springs that’s been meeting for 10 years. Walking and chatting all over town, club members are almost indistinguishable from the rest of the villagers.

  • A worldview of life through the lens

    “I was doing a wedding once,” explained photographer Mary Kay Clark, as she prepared for an upcoming exhibit, “and I noticed in the chrome around the headlamp of a vintage Triumph car was the reflection of the church where the couple just got married.

  • Football workouts begin

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney School football conditioning for the 2008 season will begin on Thursday, July 24, at 5 p.m., at the practice field located behind the high school. Players should wear tennis shoes, shorts and t-shirts.

  • Grinding rails, tunes at park benefit

    Once viewed as a subculture of miscreants and thugs, skateboarding has come a long way. The proliferation of elaborately designed and well-used public skate parks, indoor and outdoor, nationally and internationally, has redeemed the skateboarder’s reputation and the sport overall.

  • Grown up kids give back at YSKP

    The room is filled with shouts and “ooofs!” and the sound of punches making contact. One young girl tries to strangle a boy twice her size while a boy who has just been kicked in the stomach, groans and rolls over onto his side. A girl two feet away aims a powerful punch at another boy’s jaw.

  • Park flowers into its first decade

    What if you were given the task to create a lasting monument to commemorate the contributions of a significant number of people? Instead of a bronze statue or marble marker, however, you decide to construct something different…

  • New eatery touts Peruvian, U.S. foods

    “I was always drawn to the preparation of food,” said Lawren (“Lawrence without the c-e”) Williams. “My mom says some of her fondest memories of me are when I was real little and was always trying to create dishes. None of them were any good — I just liked the idea of preparing food!”

  • Village gardens bloom with summer sights this Sunday

    The flower names from the various gardens read like a class roster from Antioch School. In one “classroom” there is Veronica, Spiraea, Yarrow and Daylily along with the Hosta triplets — Janet, June and Francee.

  • YSKP to bring life to ‘Frankenstein’

    Fans of Mary Shelley’s original work, Frankenstein, written in 1818, must have been horrified to watch Hollywood hook its profit-seeking electrodes up to her carefully constructed philosophical essay, then zap 42 celluloid creations into life.

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