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Articles About Yellow Springs High School :: Page 10

  • School board — Mills Lawn ends ILE program

    The longstanding Interest Learning Education Program, or ILE, at Mills Lawn, which arose out of former gifted programming at the elementary school, will be discontinued with the start of the new academic year, according to Superintendent Mario Basora.

  • ‘Community Pulse’ meeting— YS school facilities discussed

    About 50 villagers heard from a panel of eight Yellow Springs School district teachers and shared their ideas, questions and concerns on the future of the district’s school buildings Tuesday, July 11, at Mills Lawn School.

  • Yellow Springs High School scholars honored, rewarded

    Hannah Morrison, left, is the valedictorian and Callie Smith is salutatorian of the YSHS Class of 2017. (Submitted photos)

    Many Yellow Springs High School and Greene County Career Center students were recognized at the school’s annual academic awards ceremony held on May 16.

  • YSHS scholars honored, rewarded

    Many Yellow Springs High School and Greene County Career Center students were recognized at the school’s annual academic awards ceremony held on May 16.

  • Dec. 13 Athletic Events, MLS concert canceled

    Yellow Springs Schools have sent out an advisory that “all athletics games & practices are cancelled for today.

  • Yellow Springs School Board— Group to create mediation protocol for PBL

    The Yellow Springs High School’s Student Relations Board, a group of students and teachers, will be reconfiguring the project-based learning, or PBL, contracts signed by students in each class, with the intent of developing a mediation protocol for how the PBL teams deal with conflict.

  • Correction

    In the 2016 Senior Supplement, the News incorrectly stated the names of the parents of YSHS graduate.

  • Into the future

    The Yellow Springs High School Class of 2016 was honored at commencement ceremonies Thursday, May 26. (Photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The Yellow Springs High School Class of 2016 was honored at commencement ceremonies May 26, at the high school gym.

  • YSHS Spanish teacher says, ‘adiós’

    Yellow Springs High School Spanish teacher Kathy Burkland is retiring this year, after 18 years at the school. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    If she could, Kathryn Burkland would do without much of the public attention that has come with retiring this spring after 18 years of teaching Spanish at Yellow Springs High School.

  • YSHS 2016 valedictorian, salutatorian—Well-rounded scholars, athletes

    2016 YSHS salutatorian Henry Potts-Rubin, left, and valedictorian Gabriel Day sat in front of posters of their favorite subject, math. The two have a broad range of interests, spanning scholarship, sports and art, and both express an immense love of learning for the sake of learning. School counselor Dave Smith said the two are representative of a remarkable senior class, and one that is made up of “hardworking and lovely people.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Yellow Springs High School counselor Dave Smith said that this year’s senior class is a remarkable one.

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