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Articles About Planning Commission :: Page 3

  • Antioch College Farm conditionally approved for continued operations

    After hearing from many concerned neighbors at their Aug. 5 meeting, Village Council members unanimously voted to allow Antioch College to create a farm on its property as a conditional rather than permitted use.

  • More candidates vie for offices

    With just under two weeks left to file petitions to run for local office, the races for Village Council, school board and Township Trustees are becoming more robust, according to the Greene County Board of Elections this week.

  • Food trucks, school approved

    At their meeting on Monday, June 10, Village Planning Commission approved two conditional use applications, one for the continued use of Village BP lot for food truck vendors, and one for a Montessori school on Tower Court.

  • Planners limit tiny homes

    In response to the question, “how small can a house be in Yellow Springs?” Village Planning Commission on Monday night chose to split the difference between those who favor and those who oppose allowing tiny houses in the village.

  • Zoning effectiveness a concern

    To see a larger version of the revised zoning map, please click on the link below at the end of the article.

    While Council and Planning Commission officials and Technical Review Committee members applauded the proposed zoning code draft for its new clarity and usability, several raised concerns that the revised code could end up making local development less likely, rather than more.

  • Food carts allowed, but with rules

    Foodcarts must now follow regulations which include not obstructing sightlines to existing businesses. (YS News filephoto)

    The “French fry truck” will no longer enjoy prime frontage along Xenia Avenue downtown. It was ordered not to “obstruct access or sightlines” to other businesses.

  • Planners pursue a parks plan

    Many discussions over the past several years have led Village Council to designate a revision of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as a 2011 goal.

  • Planners push zoning change

    Village Planning Commission voted 5–0 at its meeting Monday, Dec. 13, to recommend that the Village follow Ohio law and immediately adopt a different set of criteria to evaluate zoning variance requests.

  • Commissions make a difference

    Village commissions, staffed by appointed citizens and elected officials, are fundamental to the functioning of Village government. While the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Community Access Panel, and Economic Sustainability Commission are not currently seeking volunteers, they offer opportunity for direct citizen involvement in governmental affairs.

  • Village Station gets approval

    At its April 12 meeting Village Planning Commission renewed a conditional use permit for a commercial and residential development at 150 Railroad Street at the corner of Dayton Street that had been dormant for nearly three years.

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