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Nelson the Wonder Dog, fresh from the groomers, bounds to his next meeting (Photo by Robert Hasek)

Nelson the Wonder Dog, fresh from the groomers, bounds to his next meeting (Photo by Robert Hasek)

(No, please don’t say it!—) Picture purrrfect!

The refrigerator. Softly humming kitchen sentinel, keeper of the food, chiller of the drink. And, festooned with magnets and clips, quite possibly the most common repository of photos, pictures and notes before Facebook.

Well, the News has gone the length to combine the old and the new means of sharing with something we call the “Community Fridge,” a way for subscribers to our Web site to put up some favorite photos around a particular theme and share them with the community at large.

And who can resist photos of pets to kick things off? (Actually, the first call to action was for photos of spring in the Springs, but the weather this year was just too confusing to offer anything resembling a legitimate sign.)

Our staff has started things off with a few submissions of our own. So, please follow suit, find the best photos of your furred, feathered or otherwise outfitted creature cohorts, and put them up on our Community Fridge, where your peers will select the overall favorite. The winner (and their pet) will have their photo printed on the front page of the print edition of the News, as well as receive a free 6-month subscription to the paper (or have their current subscription prorated).

But hurry! This contest ends the end of May. And all photos will be visible in a gallery even after the contest is over, so you can always revisit your favorites.

• Click here NOW, and be part of the fun!

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