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Articles About village council :: Page 3

  • Village Council — Traffic test underway

    With barricades, cones, signs and new parking stripes in place, the Village of Yellow Springs began a three-week traffic change on Monday.

    During the experiment, the Village will test a new traffic pattern around Mills Lawn Elementary School, with South Walnut Street now one way from Short Street to Limestone Street, Short Street one way westbound and no left turns allowed from South Walnut onto Limestone.

  • Planning Commission— New design for senior apartments

    Home, Inc.’s proposed senior apartment building is getting a new design. If funded, the 54-unit building slated for a property between East Herman and Marshall streets will now be three — rather than four — stories tall, and cover a larger portion of the 1.86-acre parcel.

  • Council addresses ICE action

    At its regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept, 3, Village Council addressed the ongoing situation involving Miguel Espinosa, a local resident arrested by Yellow Springs police last week and later detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.

  • New candidates, new ideas

    Laura Curliss and Jim Johnson are hoping to be elected to their first terms on Village Council.

  • The next Village manager— Ideal qualities, priorities

    Pete Bales, Elke Doom, Allyson Murray and Josue Salmeron are vying for the position due to the upcoming retirement of Village Manager Patti Bates in July. Council is expected to chose the next manager in executive session on Monday, April 15.

  • Council declines to sell cell tower

    In a 3–2 decision, Village Council declined an offer from a private company to buy out the Sutton Farm cell tower.

  • Council green lights senior apartments

    Plans to build a 54-unit affordable senior apartment complex in the village will move forward after Council approved the project at its Dec. 17 meeting.

  • Village Council— A stronger sanctuary stance

    Council strengthened its public statement as a “Welcoming Community” with the passing of a new resolution at its regular meeting on Dec. 3.

  • Council seeks input on goals for 2016

    In Village Council’s two upcoming meetings, Council members will identify their top goals for 2016. To do this, they will first consider which 2015 goals they want to move forward.

  • Revised budget back in red again

    Village Council’s recent decision to finish downtown streetscape improvements in 2016 has tipped the general fund budget back into the red by roughly a quarter of a million dollars. Budget figures presented at Council’s latest round of budget talks, on Nov. 2, revise the earlier forecasts of a surplus in the 2016 general fund, which represents the majority of the Village’s operating budget outside of its enterprise funds.

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