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Articles About Village of Yellow Springs :: Page 4

  • Village Council— Group urges a village-wide fiber network

    A municipal fiber optic network would bring new jobs and business to the village, Village Council members were recently advised.

  • Holiday in the Village, Yellow Springs 2015

    Plan your Holiday in the Village with our online guide.

  • Sidewalks by Tom’s up next for repairs

    The Village announced last week that it plans to begin phase III of the downtown streetscape renovation on the southwest side of Xenia Avenue in mid-July. The project includes replacing sidewalks, curbcuts and removing and replanting trees along the route. (News archive photo by Matt Minde

    Sidewalks along the west side of Xenia Avenue downtown will be replaced this summer as part of a multi-year Village “streetscape” project.

  • I thought that I should never see…

    On Wednesday morning, May 27, Village of YS crew workers and YS Tree Committee worked together to plant seven downtown trees including Princeton elm, American hornbeam, yellowwood and Greenspire linden. The trees were chosen for their vibrant flowering colors, variations of leaves and differing tree shapes. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    On Wednesday morning, May 27, Village of YS crew workers and YS Tree Committee worked together to plant seven downtown trees.

  • Yellow Springs water loop construction continues

    Village Supervisor of Electric and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns, at left, is shown last Friday on Corry Street overseeing the work of GM Pipelines crews working on the water system loop completion project. To facilitate water flow, the GM crews are replacing old 8-inch pipes with 10- or 12- inch pipes at three locations: downtown, on the Antioch College campus, and on Herman Street. The project should be complete at the end of May. (Photo by diane Chiddister)

    Village utility crews are working on the loop completion project of the Village water system, which aims to improve water pressure and fire flow to downtown businesses, residents and Antioch College.

  • International fellows stay in Yellow Springs

    Nadia Jalawi, left, of Malaysia, and Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia are young professionals visiting Yellow Springs for a month as part of a cultural and professional exchange sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the International City/County Management Association. While here, they will be helping Village government find ways to engage citizens with social media. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia is keen on learning about civic engagement in a municipal government. Nadia Jalawi of Malaysia is interested in how a municipality can include renewables in its energy portfolio, and hopes to take what she learns back to her country.

  • Antioch College Village Charrette

    Shown above is a draft version of the Antioch Village charrette, in which many kinds of housing are located on the western and northern edges of campus. (Submitted graphic)

    Several hundred villagers took part in last week’s Antioch College Village Charrette, a collaborative design event that aimed to create a plan for a new housing development on campus.

  • Glen Helen welcomes volunteers to Honeysuckle Daze

    Among its various efforts to remove invasive species this year, the Glen invites volunteers to join its annual Honeysuckle Daze on Saturday, Nov. 15.

  • Local Yellow Springs businesses hold steady

    While the top five businesses in Yellow Springs generate about a third of the Village’s total income tax revenue, dozens of smaller businesses together contribute a significant portion of the total.

  • Village Council on water sourcing — Plant upgrade less expensive

    Renovating the existing Village water plant is doable and less expensive than the other two options being considered for sourcing local water, according to a presentation at Village Council’s Feb. 3 meeting.

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