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A photo from last fall's PBL Exhibition Night at Yellow Springs High/McKinney Middle School.

Community-building is an action verb …

The fall 2017 project-based learning, or PBL, Exhibition Night at Yellow Springs High/McKinney Middle School is set for Monday, Nov. 20, beginning at 6 p.m. at the school. That’s when students show, demonstrate and discuss the work with which they have been engaged since the start of the school year.

And this year’s fall gathering will feature an added component. Fifteen minutes after the official exhibition portion of the evening ends at 7:30 p.m., a student-hosted community-building potluck will commence.

The potluck is sponsored by an alliance of the high/middle schools’ clubs, including the United Students Society, Gay Straight Alliance, School Forest, Junior Council on World Affairs, The YS Fems and McKinney Student Council.

And everybody is invited — “students, families, grandparents and village members,” according to the event invitation. Along with the food and company, the gathering will feature a “structured dialogue” toward the purpose of community building.

Interested participants are asked to call 767-7224, leave a contact email and phone number, and include the number of people planning to attend in your party as well as whether you’ll be bringing a dessert or a side dish.

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