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Articles About Mills Lawn School :: Page 4

  • A lesson in black and white

    The program celebrating Black History Month was performed during the day for the K–6 student body and included a dialogue with Rosa Parks, songs by Civil Rights-era folk singer Pete Seeger, and Mills Lawn students, from left, Eliza Gilchrist, Eva Schell and Malaya Booth singing with the rest of their class. (Photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Friday the Mills Lawn fourth, fifth and sixth grade students performed a varied program of songs, readings, poems and a skit to celebrate the end of Black History Month.

  • VIDEO — New climber at Mills Lawn School

    The beloved wooden Big Toy was partially destroyed by a falling silver maple during a storm last July. In its place last week arose a mighty, multi-piece structure.

  • Mills Lawn teacher to play civil rights icon

    Mills Lawn music teacher Jo Frannye Reichert plays the role of Rosa Parks in a production about the life of the civil rights icon at Mills Lawn this Saturday.

  • Mills Lawn puts on 1940s radio show

    The silly laughs and sensational songs heard on 1940s radio will be re-performed live in the Mills Lawn biennial all-school musical, The Albert Brown Show, which opens Friday.

  • Artist in residence at Mills Lawn—Students redesign their sign

    Fifth grade Mills Lawn students Will Mitdbo and Stephen Kaiser-Parlette worked on a joint mosaic project last week, which will soon become part of the newly tiled Mills Lawn School sign at the front entrance of the school. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The fifth-grade art students dove into the buckets of pottery shards in muted shades of blue, pink, orange and brown.

  • Mils Lonn speling bee socksessfull

    Mills Lawn held its annual spelling bee on Wednesday, Jan. 4.

  • Mills Lawn kids respond to hunger

    Resse Elam, left, and Aza Hurwitz shuttle food to the Methodist Church pantry

    Before breaking for the holidays, students at Mills Lawn collected and delivered food for those in need.

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