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Articles About Mills Lawn School :: Page 2

  • Project-based presenters

    LEFT: Third-grade teacher Peg Morgan, aka “Trevor, a Yellow Springs mushroom,” speaks with third-grade student-scientists Bryce Fleming and Kaitlyn Macduff about the importance of mushrooms to healthy soil. RIGHT: Fourth-grade students of Carrie Juergens performed an original rap as part of their proposal that Mills Lawn cafeteria eliminates plastic flatware in favor of metal. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    Members of two Mills Lawn classes separately addressed the school board during its meeting Thursday, March 14.

  • Mills Lawn School celebrates service

    In honor of U.S. veterans’ “sacrifice, patriotism and service to our country,” Mills Lawn students welcomed nearly 70 military men and women to the school Monday, Nov. 12, for a special program and luncheon.

    In honor of U.S. veterans’ “sacrifice, patriotism and service to our country,” Mills Lawn students welcomed nearly 70 military men and women to the school Monday, Nov. 12, for a special program and luncheon.

  • YS Schools — Superintendent outlines new district goals

    Improving school culture, deepening the rigor of project-based learning and collaborating with the community on a plan for district facilities were among the main areas of focus in a set of proposed goals presented to the Yellow Springs School Board during its most recent regular meeting.

  • Sweet magic at Mills Lawn School

    Hagrid’s Hut won the People’s Choice award, and won third place from the judges. Shown above are creators Monica Hasek, Olivia Hasek, Corrie Van Ausdal and Tiger Jane Collins, Van Ausdal’s daughter. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The third annual Gingerbread Festival was held last Saturday’s at the Mills Lawn gym, sponsored by the Mills Lawn PTO.

  • Ready, set, teach …

    The newest faculty members for Yellow Springs School District, from left, they are Chelsee McFarland, who is teaching second grade; Tamara Morrison, high school math; Ryan Montross, sixth-grade science; and Olivia Dishmon, the new intervention specialist at Mills Lawn. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The newest faculty members for Yellow Springs School District gathered in the morning last Friday for some computer system orientation in anticipation of the first day of school Friday, Aug. 25.

  • School facilities question— One town builds, one does not

    In the past 10 or so years, every school district in Greene County, except Yellow Springs, has either already built new school buildings or passed a levy to do so soon. The same is true for each district contiguous to the Yellow Springs schools.

  • School board — Mills Lawn ends ILE program

    The longstanding Interest Learning Education Program, or ILE, at Mills Lawn, which arose out of former gifted programming at the elementary school, will be discontinued with the start of the new academic year, according to Superintendent Mario Basora.

  • ‘Community Pulse’ meeting— YS school facilities discussed

    About 50 villagers heard from a panel of eight Yellow Springs School district teachers and shared their ideas, questions and concerns on the future of the district’s school buildings Tuesday, July 11, at Mills Lawn School.

  • New Yellow Springs school buildings under consideration

    Last week, the Yellow Springs Combined School District hosted its second community forum designed to update residents on the plans for new school buildings and to gauge public feedback on the project.

  • Rollerball

    Above, from left, Nick Meister, Tyee Meeks and Ayla Arnold play soccer in sports wheelchairs brought over to the school from the Wright State Office of Recreation. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Mills Lawn Elementary fourth-grade students participated in the “Wheelchair Experience,” a project-based learning curriculum designed to help students understand accessibility issues.

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