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Last Friday, longtime Perry League T-ball coach Jimmy Chesire, center, gave the signal that started a herd of t-ballers stampeding towards the light pole to do stretches and warm-ups for the final “1,000 strikes” of the summer. (Photos by Isaac Delamatre)

Last Friday, longtime Perry League T-ball coach Jimmy Chesire, center, gave the signal that started a herd of t-ballers stampeding towards the light pole to do stretches and warm-ups for the final “1,000 strikes” of the summer. (Photos by Isaac Delamatre)

Home run

Perry League t-ballers held their final game of the summer last Friday, which — in addition to the usual yelling, running, chasing and playing in, or with, the fine dirt — included an awards ceremony with real trophies and a great big hot dog cookout. (Photos by Isaac Delamatre)

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