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Articles About Village Council :: Page 2

  • School board approves sale option for LIHTC project

    Mirroring a decision made by Village Council earlier the same week, the YS Board of Education voted 3–2 during a special meeting Thursday, Nov. 21, to approve an option to purchase agreement with the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council budgets $18.1 million for 2025

    At their most recent regular meeting, Monday, Nov. 18, Village Council members gave first reading to the ordinance that will set the projected 2025 budget, which at this point totals $18,102,489.

  • Village Council to exempt Cascades phase two funding from 2025 budget

    According to YS Home, Inc. Director Emily Seibel, the requested $180,000 would help defray phase two costs — which, ultimately, would add six more rentals — including the installation of an underground stormwater detention system, which would serve all eventual 32 units in The Cascades.

  • Village Council rezones Morgan Fields to high-density residential

    The move to rezone the land was the latest step in the year-long effort to one day erect a 50-unit, low-income housing development on the land — colloquially dubbed by Village and district bodies as the LIHTC, or low-income housing tax credit, project.

  • LIHTC, Gaunt Park raise questions

    The school district and Village government continue to work together to flesh out the details and possibilities of a proposed 50-unit low-income housing development.

  • Village Council likely to issue $113,000 to Tecumseh Land Trust

    Approximately 184 acres of contiguous farmland just beyond the western reaches of Village limits are slated to be sold before the end of the year; Tecumseh Land Trust intends to purchase the available properties or work with potential buyers to place conservation easements on the land, thus precluding any future development there.

  • Tecumseh Land Trust seeks protection on 184 acres

    Approximately 184 acres along Dayton-Yellow Springs Road may soon go up for auction to the highest bidder; Tecumseh Land Trust intends to purchase that land or work with a buyer to protect it from future development with conservation easements.

  • Greene County ESC shows interest in Morgan Fields

    In an Aug. 28 letter penned by ESC Superintendent Terry Graves-Strieter and Interim Treasurer Kasey Mahaffey to YS School District leaders, the ESC is considering the purchase of the Morgan Fields to “have the land as a space for our students … for recess and other outdoor activities.

  • Village Council’s low-income housing talks press ahead

    At the Monday, Aug. 19 regular Village Council meeting, the group agreed to begin the steps of convening an intergovernmental body, as well authorized $12,500 to cover future legal fees — both in the interest of pursuing $15 million in tax credits to build a 50-unit low-income housing development.

  • School board talks Morgan Fields

    The YS Board of Education returned to the discussion of a potential affordable housing development on land currently owned by the school district at its most recent regular meeting Thursday, Aug. 8.

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