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Articles About Village Council :: Page 3

  • Concerns over bar noise grow louder

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 20, members of the Dayton-Walnut Streets Neighborhood Action Group — knowingly and facetiously abbreviated to NAG — called for greater oversight from the Village of the downtown noise.

  • Village Council discusses low-income housing on CBE land

    The perennial conversation of what to do with the 35 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs — known as the Center for Business and Education, or CBE — resurfaced at the most recent Village Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 20.

  • Village Council | Surplus expected for 2024 Village budget

    As noted in Monday’s regular Village Council meeting, the budgeted expenses for next year total $17,852,817 — an amount that includes expenses from the general, special revenue, capital project and enterprise funds.

  • Village Council to amend municipal tax code

    At the Monday, Oct. 16, Village Council meeting, the group held a first reading of an ordinance that would revise several municipal income tax provisions — revisions that the Village is required to adopt per Ohio House Bill 33.

  • Nov. 7, 2023 General Election Results

    At the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 7, Ohioans passed two state issues: Issue 1, which will legalize access to abortion and reproductive care and protect that access in the State Constitution; and Issue 2, a statute to legalize the sale and possession of cannabis products for Ohioans ages 21 and older.

  • 2023 General Election | Candidates sound off at local forum

    On Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 18 and 19, the James A. McKee Association held its traditional Candidates Night Forum events in the Mills Lawn gym in anticipation of the upcoming Nov. 7 election.

  • Village Council reviews the local power portfolio

    Where does the Village of Yellow Springs get its energy? How much of it is renewable? And how many renewable energy credits does the Village get from the kinds of energy it uses and produces?

  • Village Council | ‘Forever chemicals’ in municipal water

    Out of 30 samples the Village water department took this April, only one registered above the detection limit at 9.2 parts per trillion — a level significantly below the current health advisory limit, but above the proposed maximum level of contamination.

  • Brian Housh removed as Village Council president

    At the most recent Village Council meeting, Monday, Oct. 2, Council members voted to remove Brian Housh from his position as Council president.

  • Village Council considers electrical grid improvements

    Village utility and Hi-Tech Electrical Contractors crews worked throughout the night Wednesday, July 18, to replace a centrally — and awkwardly — located utility pole in Kieth's Alley. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    “The Village is currently in ‘good shape’ in how it distributes power to its residents and businesses, but if Yellow Springs is to continue growing, the grid will need to be improved.”

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