Articles About Village Council :: Page 10
Village Council votes down busking rules
At its regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, Village Council voted down an ordinance that would have added regulations for buskers and street performers in the village.
Village Council | Regular Meeting Oct. 17
Business conducted during Village Council’s most recent meeting Monday, Oct. 17, included the following topics: a noise ordinance, the fourth quarter supplemental budget, a Rumpke contrat and more.
Village Council proposes new busking rules
On Monday, Oct. 17, Village Council members continued their ongoing examination of the impacts of busking with a first reading of an ordinance that aims to regulate the volume, frequency, location and permissibility of impromptu downtown street performances.
Village Council, school board, Township hold joint meeting
The objective of the meeting was for the three entities and the public to come together in order to better understand tax structures, learn about each entity’s financial needs and talk about ideas for future collaboration.
‘Spring Meadows’ to go before Village Council
A proposed 90-home major subdivision — dubbed “Spring Meadows” — is one step closer to being developed in Yellow Springs.
Village Council revisits noise ordinance
The goal of the new legislation, Yellow Springs Chief of Police Paige Burge said, was simply to describe restrictions, provide a basis for officer objectivity and provide less restrictive procedures so the ordinance can be enforced.
Village Council adopts new stormwater fee
Village Council members unanimously voted to establish a stormwater utility fee, ranging from $5–$10, for all customers in the village. The fee is part of a larger effort to create funds to maintain the village’s aging infrastructure.
Village Council approves student resource officer for ESC
The Greene County Educational Service Center will now pay the Village to house a member of the Yellow Springs Police Department, who will serve as a student resource officer at the county’s Learning Center facility, next door to the Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School campus.
Therapy dog considered for Yellow Springs Police Department
At its most recent meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6, Village Council members heard a proposal from Village Manager Josué Salmerón to add a new member — a therapy dog — to the Village’s police force.
Council votes down youth outreach officer proposal
At the Tuesday, Sept. 6, meeting, Village Council members voted down a resolution that would place an officer in the Greene County Educational Service Center, or ESC.
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