Articles About Village Council :: Page 8
Village Council adopts volunteer policy
At their most recent meeting Monday, March 20, Village Council members unanimously approved a policy for those wishing to volunteer on Village-owned property.
Yellow Springs business owners denounce plastic ban
The message from a number of local business owners at a recent town hall was clear: The proposed legislation to restrict commercial single-use plastics is too hasty.
Village Council considers gas aggregate program
At their most recent meeting on Monday, March 6, Village Council members heard a presentation from Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council, or SOPEC, about its gas aggregation program.
Village Council weighs income tax changes
At their regular meeting on Monday, March 6, Village Council members weighed the impacts of a proposed ordinance that would lower by half the amount of income tax credit granted to individuals who work beyond Yellow Springs and pay taxes in other municipalities, from 100% to 50%.
Village Council eyes single-use plastics ban
In an effort to respond to growing concerns about climate change, Village Council members agreed to bring forth legislation that would ban single-use plastics in the village.
Village Council to increase zoning and permit fees
Amidst a flurry of first-readings, Village Council members heard a first reading for legislation that would raise planning and zoning fees at their most recent meeting on Monday, Feb. 6.
Village Council plans utility increases
The ordinances include new proposals for rates, which would increase steadily over the course of five years — 3% per year for electricity, 5% per year for sewer and 8% per year for water.
YS Police Department receives body-worn camera grant
Yellow Springs police officers will have a new feature in the coming months — body-worn cameras.
Village ends lease with Lawson Place tenants
At the last Council meeting of 2022, Council members heard from several Lawson Place residents voicing their concern for two long-term residents whose lease had been terminated by Village Manager Josué Salmerón, who is acting as property manager for the apartments.
Village seeks revenue through rate, utility hikes
During the first regular Village Council meeting of the year, held in person on Tuesday, Jan. 3, Council members reviewed several prospects for bringing additional monies into the Village’s general fund, thereby softening the blow of the year’s projected $2.9 million budget deficit.
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